Search Results for: cio

Training by Toastmasters?

This is both a training and a communication topic. A single question this time, but with a big impact and controversy. The question had to come up sooner or later–one that I was afraid I’d have to answer as a trainer and a speaker. Why Toastmasters, a great international organization that helps people learn publicRead… Read more »

AFGE Protests Against Anti-worker Lawmakers

(DO NOT READ OR DISTRIBUTE ON GOVERNMENT PROPERTY) Philthy(sp) and Mega(sp) Rich In an effort to bring attention to the anti-worker, anti-middle class policies of House Majority Leader Representative Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Representative Tim Scott (R-SC), dozens of American Federation of Governments Employees (AFGE) members protested outside of the district offices of the representativesRead… Read more »

With Open Gov slowdown in U.S. will UK become the next Gov 2.0 global leader?

Over the last week we’ve been hearing disturbing news about the open government movement in the U.S. On June 22nd, The Washington Post announced The Death of Open Government and yesterday asked the question: Is the door closing on open government? Meanwhile, the UK continues to make investments in open government initiatives, inspired in partRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Why Google+ will Kill Facebook

Google+ is to Facebook for privacy as Facebook is to SharePoint for utilty. For Utility: Facebook (and social media writ large) begins with the conversation as metaphor. Sharepoint begins (and ends) with the document as the metaphor. It was built with the belief that business users collaborate around producing documents. Social media presumes people haveRead… Read more »

Linking Open Data Ventures to economic policy

The reason the NYC strategy is so exciting and compelling is the clear vision they have for Economic Development. At a time of such financial stress for every one and when the politicians seem to be struggling to find the answers, it’s heartening to see such a Gung Ho enthusiasm combined with real strategic visionRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Open Government Isn’t Something One Person Can Own – It Belongs To All of Us

Originally posted on the Phase One Consulting Group’s Government Transformation Blog. As the firestorm over the future of Open Government raged across Twitter and blogs early last week following Vivek Kundra’s departure announcement, there were federal employees quietly scheduling meetings, chatting in the hallways or just simply asking questions about how Open Government can helpRead… Read more »

NYC Digital – The Open Government Ten Commandments

The Digital City Roadmap from NYC is such a powerful program because it pioneers in many areas, and integrates them effectively into a single overall strategy. The first and core point I would highlight is the leadership role in the field of Open Government. Quoting from page 38 of the report: “Digital technology enables unprecedentedRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Mind. Prepare to be blown. Big Data, Wikipedia and Government.

Okay, super psyched about this. Back at the Strata Conference in Feb (in San Diego) I introduced my long time uber-quant friend and now Wikimedia Foundation data scientist Diederik Van Liere to fellow Gov2.0 thinker Nicholas Gruen (Chairman) and Anthony Goldbloom (Founder and CEO) of an awesome new company called Kaggle. As usually happens whenRead… Read more »

Teleseminars, Stage Fright and More

Webinars are often used in the business training environment, but it is a newer version of that webinar idea with a host that is taking over when it comes to online/teleconferencing training: the teleseminar, which can be used to provide information, training, or promote or sell products to group of people interested in a particularRead… Read more »

Open Government is Dead, Long Live Open Data

Vivek Kundra leaving the White House rings one more bell that the Open Government soiree is over. And like all poorly planned parties, it should be. But, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t leave us one lovely party favor. Let’s be honest. The combination of the very nebulous idea of “Open Government” and the institutionalizationRead… Read more »