Search Results for: cio

Data Wizards Know Hadoop is Powerful: But they want more automation

Hadoop and the many capabilities associated with it (including Hive, Pig, HBase, Zookeeper, Flume, Sqoop, Hue, Oozie and Whirr) is really the rage. Enterprises with big data challenges, researchers with massive data sets and organizations seeking to make sense over seemingly unbounded data are learning how to use those many related technologies to solve problemsRead… Read more »

Open Data Value Model – Monetizing the margins

As the name suggests, the purpose of the ‘Open Data Value Model’ (ODVM) that this blog introduces is to provide a context of social or organizational value for government use of open data. It will provide one key foundation of the Open Government Maturity Model. The reason for this is that one risk of openRead… Read more »

CIDA announces Open Data portal: What it means to Canadians

For those who missed it, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) has announced it is launching an open data portal. This is exciting news. On Monday I was interviewed about the initiative by Embassy Magazine which published the resulting article (behind their paywall) here. As (I hope) the interview conveys, I’m cautiously optimistic about theRead… Read more »

The question about WordPress as a Corporate CMS

It has been a couple of weeks since I attended #localgovcamp and it has taken that long for my brain to process all of the ideas and challenges that inevitably come up after spending such intensive time with so many passionate people. One of the sessions I went to was on WordPress and whether orRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Cover Letter Concepts

There is a lot of confusion about cover letters. Cover letters are not: * An opportunity to write about your life story and life philosophy * A chance to write about tell your entire career history * A place to explain why you left each of your past employers or to focus in detail aboutRead… Read more »

Using social media for non-traditional forms of scholarship

During the last year I was a frequent guest speaker at different University-wide lecture series to talk about my research findings but also my personal use of social media applications as a scholar. I reported about the diverse social media applications I have tested (and abandoned) in the classroom, but also provided insights into howRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Overcoming “Application Bloat”

Does your organization suffer from “application bloat”? If you’re managing a different budget tracking system for each department or have to input every employee into multiple online training systems, your organization might have too many applications. State and local governments are trying to figure out ways to streamline their IT costs by consolidating and standardizingRead… Read more »

Open Government and Citizen Service 2.0

Our next webinar for Open Government Cloud Computing is called ‘Building a City in the Clouds‘, referring to an analysis of how it can be applied at the Municipal level. This will include best practice reviews of cities like New York, Toronto and Edmonton, and how they are re-inventing their citizen service capabilities through OpenRead… Read more »