Search Results for: Cloud

Is the government an equal opportunity employer – including the disabled?

Disabilities, we talk about disabilities and we think of wheelchairs or even Oscar Pistorius, the South African sprinter “Blade Runner” — “the fastest man on no legs.” But as the Baby Boomers age, more and more people have to deal with disabilities. What is the government doing to be a good employer for everybody —Read… Read more »

Change Challenge Part3

Day 9 with Windows 8 on Laptop. While not proficient with the interface yet, I am definitely seeing a productivity improvement in day to day data consumption tasks. Office has received a similar update to the UI/UX with similar results. Next week becomes the real acid test, I’m going to update my wife’s laptop withRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

How I use Pocket to track technology

Pocket offers a host of saved reading capabilities You may have heard of Pocket, actually, you’re more likely to know it in its former incarnation, Read It Later. I have recently started using Pocket to track interesting stories for my daily roundup. The setup is easy – I made an account, installed the Chrome browserRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Announcing The GovLoop Guide: Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap

GovLoop is proud to announce our latest guide, The GovLoop Guide: Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap. Technological advancements have enabled government to improve how services are delivered to citizens. This guide focuses on the technology that has enabled government to increase productivity, improve performance and innovate proactively. Throughout this report, we highlight the top trendsRead… Read more »

Should You Ignore Citizen Expectations?

I’m having my first child in 5 weeks (but I, I mean my wife is doing all the real work). So I’m in the process of looking for a pediatrician. As a technologist, one of my questions I keep on asking potential pediatricians is: -Do you have an electronic records system? How am I ableRead… Read more »

GovLoop Blog

Filed under: Tech

Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap

GovLoop is proud to announce our latest guide, The GovLoop Guide: Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap.   Technological advancements have enabled government to improve how services are delivered to citizens. This guide focuses on the technology that has enabled government to increase productivity, improve performance and innovate proactively. Throughout this report, we highlight the topRead… Read more »

Holograms for the TSA, Mobile Device Management for the DOD, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Transportation Security Administration is seeking holograms or video projections of customer service representatives to communicate with travelers in at least English and Spanish. More here Mark Giuliano, executive assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s national security branch, testified before the House Appropriations subcommitteeRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Beyond doing more with less — rethinking the work we do with IBM, did twitter kill emergency management? and NASA reacts to the Mars Rover

On today’s program Doing more with less — that’s the mantra these days, right? But is it time to just do things differently? We’ll talk to Chuck Prow — the General Manager of IBM’s Global Business Services’ Public Sector business — and get his thoughts. He is the author of a new book — GoverningRead… Read more »

IBM’s Charles Prow Discusses Strategies to Enhance National Competitiveness

“Today, the Federal Government is about 25 percent of GDP. The last time the budget was balanced, it was about 21 percent of GDP. So whether the government is a fourth or a fifth of GDP, it still plays an enormous role in the overall competitive posture of the nation. That is, the higher governmentRead… Read more »

No more yellow tape — Did Twitter kill emergency management?

“Emergency management is dead. Well, at least as most people know it. It’s time for another revolution in the professional field of emergency management that embraces the impact, expectation, challenges, and potential benefits of embracing the integration of social expectations into the general public. This is not the first time the profession of emergency managementRead… Read more »