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Luma Institute — Teaching you to fish innovately

Innovation is challenging, but the Office of Personnel Management has been making some real progress. A few weeks ago, we told you about what feds themselves think of government innovation — the Partnership for Public Service analysis of the federal viewpoint survey data. That data show that OPM has made great strides in making innovationRead… Read more »

Amazon Instant Video for the iPad, Google unveils Android Blog and more

Amazon’s Instant Video is a great capability, and it is now mobile! In order to provide more value to their users, Amazon has rolled out the instant video app for the iPad. Amazon’s instant video offering has a huge library of free streaming video for Prime subscribers. Amazon is trying to show that while NetflixRead… Read more »

Figuring out the procurement maze with OFPP’s Joe Jordan and can the government speak plainly?

On today’s program Working in procurement is a little like working in a maze, there are lots of new and different regulations around every corner. But there are some ways to make it easier. Joe Jordan is the administrator in the Office of Federal Procurement Policy. He’ll tell us his tips.Click here for the fullRead… Read more »

Joe Jordan Speaks at the Next Generation of Government Summit

The final session of Day Two of Next Generation of Government featured: “Collaborating for Results:” Joe Jordan, Administrator, Federal Procurement Policy “Work On Purpose:” Lara Galinsky, Sr. Vice President, Echoing Green “Attributes of an Olympian:” Adam Nelson, 2-time Olympic Medal Winner, Shot Put You find all the blog posts from the past two days byRead… Read more »

asdfjklqweruiop; — Is the government getting better at writing plainly?

“I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead,” Mark Twain. Writing clearly and concisely is a challenge for anyone, but it’s been an even bigger challenge for the federal government — they are plagued with the dreaded Gov-Speak. But for the past two year’s they’ve been workingRead… Read more »

Should You Hire a Consultant for Workforce Planning Initiatives?

This is the sixth blog post in a series of blog posts and podcasts talking through the recent GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning. Be sure to take a listen to the podcase below and view the guide. You can find more HR resources by visiting the GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning Homepage. A workforce andRead… Read more »

3-part plan to improve innovation with the Federal CTO and is it possible to disconnect on vacation?

On today’s program Todd Park — he is the federal CTO – and might very well be the energizer bunny. The man has a lot of passion and excitement for the federal government. And he’ll tell us his three part plan to creating innovation. Click here for the full story. It’s summer and that meansRead… Read more »

Gone Rogue — Why being a rebel is a good thing and should the gov. make the move to alternate fuels

On today’s program Are you a rebel in your workplace? Can you be? And what does that mean? We’ll hear from a former senior executive at the CIA — who professes being a rebel in the workplace. We’ll hear what that means… and how you can be a rebel. Click here for the full story.Read… Read more »

How to be an Intrapraneur within Government

”Corporate Rebel: How to be an Intrapraneur within Government” Carmen Medina, Former CIA Director of Intelligence, author of series “Corporate Next Generation of Government Carmen Medina “The good thing abour beauracracy is they make so many rules, they forget them.” Carmen highlighted the history behind Intellipedia, and her current work at Deloitte. Carmen also createdRead… Read more »