Search Results for: research

Innovative Fels Social Media Report in American City & County Magazine

In “Social Media Pulls Communities Together” by S.A. Reid, The Second Edition of the Fels Social Media Report is highlighted in American City & County. To check out the article, click here. The article highlights how governments utilize social media to interact with citizens during and following disasters and other major events, which is anRead… Read more »

Eight Key Dimensions to Sustainable Innovation

After attending the Training Officers Consortium Annual Institute and the Diversity Conference this week, I noticed a lot of conversation centered on the need for innovation. A colleague of mine, Andy Beaulieu wrote this article for our blog and thought you all might enjoy it: Our initial article mentioned taking a systems perspective when itRead… Read more »

Does Apple Need Ten Years of Trustworthy Computing?

Researchers at Kapersky Lab recently concluded that Apple is an entire decade behind Microsoft at malware protection, pointing to the spate of Flashback attacks and Apple’s slow response. Kapersky predicting a coming wave of malware as OSX viruses, once rare, grow to be as common as those aimed at Windows. Microsoft, by contrast, has beenRead… Read more »

Injured In Space: NASA Needs Cheap, Light, Simple Medical Devices

Brandon Glenn (Cleveland, OH) – Astronauts can encounter lots of potential health risks during long space flights. And those risks are exacerbated by a lack of access to physicians, limited medical supplies and a small amount of storage on spacecrafts. Add to that high costs – it takes $10,000 to launch one pound of anythingRead… Read more »

What is Worse than Tourists on the Metro? Finals Season!

What is Worse than Tourists on the Metro? Finals Season! Luckily for me, I don’t really have any finals or even a final thesis. Thank goodness. One thing that I really love about my masters program has been our final required capstone project. The capstone the Trachtenberg School for Public Policy and Public Administration functionsRead… Read more »

Free Microsoft Cloud Computing For University Scientists

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) – Microsoft and Internet2 have announced a new agreement enabling member universities to take advantage of Windows Azure to open up collaborative, instructional and research opportunities in the cloud. The announcement was made at the recent Spring 2012 Internet2 Member Meeting in Arlington, VA. This agreement is a significant step inRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Would More Female Agents have Discouraged Cartagena Shenanigans?

Can a lack of workforce diversity lead to on-the-job shenanigans? That’s the question the Washington Post asked in regards to the Secret Service prostitution scandal, and how few women are employed as special agents. Only 11% of special agents are women; some Congresswomen think this lack of diversity could have contributed to the poor decisionsRead… Read more »

Success Factors In Federal Business Development

How hard can it be to do federal business development? All you need is to be good with people and a willingness to talk to decision makers, right? If it were so easy, why for years has BD been given a bad name, and why have many companies struggled to hire business developers who produceRead… Read more »

Social Web for Disaster Management Workshop Roundup & Be A Force of Nature

iDisaster 2.0, a blog about social media and emergency management, has collected papers from the Social Web for Disaster Management Conference 2012 Workshop recently held in Lyon, France. This coincides with NOAA’s collaboration effort with FEMA to launch the first National Severe Weather Preparedness Week. I think they’ve done a pretty good job of preparingRead… Read more »