Search Results for: research

Social Media and Stress in Communications

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I wrote “Stress and Public Relations” last week and received comments and questions via e-mail, LinkedIn and Twitter. Most debated the reasons for stress in communications but several suggested that social media was a contributing factor. The original article was based on a findings from CareerCast/PR Newser on the ten most stressful jobs. Summary:Read… Read more »

2012 Digital Government Conference (dg.o 2012), June 4-7, 2012 at the University of Maryland, College Park

The 2012 Digital Government Conference (dg.o 2012) is taking place June 4-7, 2012 at the University of Maryland College Park (a few miles out of Washington, DC). Marking its 13th year, the conference brings together an international community of leading digital government researchers and practitioners to discuss such key topics as open data; open government;Read… Read more »

Are All CISPA Supporters What They Appear to Be?

Editor’s note: This post by Sean Lawson provides context on cyber conflict, an area of interest at the nexus of national security and technology. – bg It appears that the controversial H.R. 3523, Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), will go up for a vote in the House this coming week. Various privacy andRead… Read more »

Social Business By Design: Transformative Social Media Strategies for the Connected Company

Dion Hinchcliffe of Dachis Group is one of the brightest minds in the nation today. For years he has helped individuals and organizations think through complex challenges. And for years he has proven he can glean trends and impart their relevance to decision-makers. He is world renowned for his thinking, speaking and writing powers. AndRead… Read more »

How GSA’s getting data anywhere, at anytime, the TSP’s Roth Option and Untangling Big Data

How GSA is getting data, anywhere, at anytime, the TSP’s Roth Option and Untangling Big Data by GovLoop Insights On the program today for April 23rd, 2012: We’re going to talk about what GSA is actually getting it right. Last week, I moderated a discussion about mobile technologies and how it is changing work. Ahead,Read… Read more »

The SEVEN Stories you Need to Know — Roth Delays and the Secret Service heads to Congress

We start with the SEVEN stories that impact your life for Monday April 23rd 2012… We’re going to talk about the Thrift Savings Plan’s Roth option later, but… It turns out that TSP’s Roth option might not make its May 7th start date. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service has said it will not beRead… Read more »

What’s the State of Social Media and Government in 2012?

Last Thursday, I delivered the presentation below for several Federal agency heads at the Chicago Federal Executive Board. I quickly affixed the title, “The State of Social Media in Government,” though I’m not sure that’s an accurate description of the content. Here’s a quick sketch of my outline: How Are Americans Using Social Media? (dataRead… Read more »

RSVP Today for 5/15 Re-Imagining Customer Service Roundtable

Please join GovLoop at our next GovLoop Conversations Event on May 15th as we explore ways to improve customer service in government, share best practices and avoid common roadblocks. To register for this event, please follow this link. We hope you’ll join us! On May 15th at The Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government Roundtable (RegisterRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: What SHOULD happen with GSA?

We have all been watching the bruhaha about the General Services Administration Public Building Service’s Western Regions Conference with a certain sense of forboding — I think we all understand that this is going to have ramifications far beyond one single conference in one part of one agency. And my big concern was that lawmakersRead… Read more »

Stress and Public Relations

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Tonya Garcia from PR Newser reports on findings from CareerCast regarding the most ten most stressful jobs. Selected findings: Public relations officers were second on the list. Photojournalists were fourth. Newscasters (television and radio news presenters) ranked as fifth. Advertising Account Executives were sixth. Observation on the PR profession from the article, “This highly-competitiveRead… Read more »