Search Results for: Cloud

The 17 Ways Microsoft Office Provides Real Impact For Better Government

Tony Tai (Redmond, WA) — Cloud computing can help governments increase productivity and improve collaboration while reducing IT costs. But which cloud productivity solution should you choose: Microsoft Office or Google Apps? Microsoft has decades of experience working with government at all levels, in over 100 countries. After weighing the options, governments from the StateRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning: Be Proactive – Develop a Workforce Plan

This is the fourth blog post in a series of blog posts and podcasts talking through the recent GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning. Be sure to take a listen to the podcase below and view the guide. You can find more HR resources by visiting the GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning Homepage. This week weRead… Read more »

Budget History 101 — Are we really in the most austere time ever?

We know, we know, budgets are tight. It seems like that the age of austerity is an constant refrain in government. But the real question is how do you manage in these tough fiscal times? James Nardozzi is the Dean of Post College and Director of the Post University Master of Public Administration degree program.Read… Read more »

Budget 101 — A historical perspective and beating back the bad press

On today’s Edition of the DorobekINSIDER We know budgets are tight — but are they the most austere budgets ever? A historical perspective on the budget crunch — and advice on how to survive it. Click here for the full story. Beating back from the bad press — leading when times are tough. Click hereRead… Read more »

What Healthcare Innovators Can Learn From Intelligence Community Geeks

Mark Drapeau (Philadelphia, PA) — At the recent MedCity CONVERGE health innovation summit, a panel discussion about online collaboration opined that many “futuristic” innovations in health and life sciences already exist, but are simply not part of the regular workflow of doctors, bioscientists, and other health professionals. To tweak author William Gibson’s famous phrase, theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The Art of Map Making – How Great Maps Tell Compelling Stories

I recently read a blog post by Bern Szukalski, There’s Something about a Map, on the ESRI blog, Bern states, “There’s something about a good map. It’s hard for me to describe exactly what that something is, but like many of us involved with GIS and geographic information, I’ve always been drawn to and fascinatedRead… Read more »

2012 Digital Counties Winners Announced: Fairfax County, VA

Yesterday, the Center for Digital Government and the Digital Communities program announced the winning counties in this year’s survey competition to identify leaders in the digital field. Four winners were named in various population categories. These four leading communities implemented new initiaties this year that created positive results and cost savings for, despite scarce funding.Read… Read more »

The Changing Role of the CIO — Insights from EPA’s CIO Malcolm Jackson

Cloud computing — it is making a big difference in how agency Chief Information Officers do their jobs. The cloud means CIOs are able to be less focused on infrastructure IT and more focused on deploying new technologies in faster and cheaper ways. Malcolm Jackson is the Chief Information Officer at the EPA. He toldRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: Sequestration Debate Heats UP

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Tuesday the 17th of July, 2012 The sequestration frenzy has hit Capitol Hill. Politico reports, the House will vote on a defense spending bill this week and they also plan on ordering the Obama administration to say how it would go about implementing the $500 billion inRead… Read more »