Search Results for: cio

Open Linked Data as the foundation for Open Government

As part of my work to promote Cloud Computing globally, I’m focused on a number of core technologies that are also key to Open Government. In particular ‘Open Linked Data’ – See my main summary of this here, where I describe that it will enable “Cloud 2.0” apps. Open Data is a very popular topicRead… Read more »

“No poverty reduction strategy proposed”

The gritty challenges that are involved in making real progress with Open Government is effectively captured through a review of the Campaign 2000 work. As they report Canada voted in a party that has no poverty reduction strategy. (Federal Election 2011 review – 10 page PDF). Not much chance of tackling poverty issues if thereRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Big Data is Critical to the DoD Science and Technology Investment Agenda

The Secretary of Defense signed a memorandum on 19 April 2011 which articulates the Science and Technology (S&T) priorities for the Department of Defense (DoD). This memo flows from extensive planning including reviews of all defense missions and architectures to support those missions. The result: seven S&T priorities have been identified for strategic investment. TheseRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Fostering Social Innovation through Open Government

This article, ‘Fostering Innovation through Open Government‘, from Aneesh Chopra the US Chief Technology Officer, is a great snapshot of the link between new technologies and open models and the policy benefits they will drive. In this case he focuses on the topic important to us all, economic development through innovation. This kind of linkRead… Read more »

25 Years of Drucker

Thanks to Bruce Rosenstein, columnist, librarian and author of Living in More Than One World: How Peter Drucker’s Wisdom Can Inspire and Transform Your Life for this guest post: 25 Years of Drucker. Read on… On June 15th, I will be presenting a Spotlight Session at the 2011 SLA Annual Conference in Philadelphia, “Creating YourRead… Read more »

Individualism in the networked world

Evolving thought: One of the large challenges of the 21st century is going to be reconciling our increasingly networked world with traditional notions of individualism. The more I look at a networked world – not in some geopolitical sense but on a day to day experience for everyone – the more it appears that manyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Feds scrap plans for new open government websites

Funding cuts have forced federal officials to cancel plans for two new open government websites. One was intended to allow federal workers to share information and work tips with one another and the other was designed to provide the public with information on the quality of federal services. Existing open government sites will continue —Read… Read more »

Can cyberinfrastructure end poverty?

A key reason for my passions for new technologies and models, like Cloud Computing and Open Government, is that I believe they are the key to finally addressing what have been intractable issues in our society, most notably poverty. Hence the project. So what role can cyberinfrastructure play? Well it’s as much a questionRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Deloitte on Canadian Public Sector Innovation

Canada has a widely discussed “Innvation Gap” challenge. They’re scoring a ‘D for Innovation‘, and falling behind in global industry. Since 2001 the country has slipped from third to 13th on the Global Competitiveness Index, from second to 10th in the OECD’s broadband ranking, and from fourth to 13th in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s e-readinessRead… Read more »

Open Public Innovation, as a Service

Image by Lance Shields via Flickr A key theme for our upcoming webinar will be ‘Open Government Cyberinfrastructure’. This refers to the increasingly pervasive Internet infrastructure that continues to grow around us, from the underlying telco lines through to the new ‘Cloud’ software it is running. As more and more open source and open dataRead… Read more »