Search Results for: Cloud

Some Quick Lessons Learned From Massive Regional Power Outages

CTOvision, CTOlabs and the tech consultancy behind them Crucial Point LLC are all run out of the Washington DC area. We seek global views of technology but this region is definitely our base and we have a very high percentage of readers in the local ecosystem. For those of you here, you know the biggestRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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IT Functions of the Future

How IT utility is delivered in the future will be less a technical or technology only decision and more a enterprise strategy. Factors such as Operating Costs (Economics), Mobility, Service Reliability, Flexibility and Risk to the Enterprise will come more into play. This suggests that the backroom strategy topic of organizational design will play anRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Making Open Government Count – 3 takes

Hey there. I’m Emily Jarvis– the DorobekINSIDER producer — and welcome GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words… helping you do your job better… Chris Dorobek is out of the office today on vacation. But we couldn’t leave you hanging. So I’ve compiled some of my favorite interviews on open government. On Today’sRead… Read more »

CTOvision Mobile Application for Android

CTOvision Mobile is an Android Application designed to bring content from CTOvision, CTOlabs, Twitter and YouTube together for technologists. Download it to your Android device from the Google Play market. The application focuses on content we create for technologists, but it also contains a curated list of coming events we believe are of high interestRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Making Leadership Count — 3 Different Perspectives

Hey there. I’m Emily Jarvis — the producer of the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words… helping you do your job better… Chris Dorobek is out of the office this week, but we couldn’t leave you hanging. So I’ve compiled some of the best interviews and topics fromRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: June 29, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Wil workplaces become more gray-friendly? Andrew Krzmarzick asks “What If the Workplace Had More 70-Somethings? Because It Will…” and goes on to list some of the important issues that the changing demographics of the workplace raise. Quite a few people respond. EPA’s Got (new e-) Mail. In the same week that Nora EphronRead… Read more »

Recorded Future for Forecasting Cyber Attacks

Recorded Futureis the first temporal analytics engine enabling web intelligence, pulling open source information from the Internet and indexing it for analysis by event type and time, thereby allowing users to tap into the predictive power of the web. Recorded Future has proven capabilities to forecast unrest demonstrated in a previous webcast and used byRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Communities + Government = Success

In May of this year, Code for America began accepting applications for our new Accelerator civic startup incubator program, designed to help startup ventures in the civic space. As my colleague Abhi Nemani mentioned in a recent blog post, the Accelerator program staff expected a couple of dozen applicants. We got a couple of hundred.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

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A New Supercomputer, Preventing Collisions with Drones, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: IBM and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are working together on the Vulcan supercomputer to analyze data for developing new technologies in applied energy, green energy, manufacturing, data management and other fields. More here. The Senate Commerce Committee is holding a hearing today on whether theRead… Read more »

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