Search Results for: cio

Salary Negotiation Tips

A few basic salary negotiation tips: 1. Let the employer give you a number first. Try not to answer questions about salary first—rather ask them what they had in mind. 2. Once an offer is on the table, sound grateful but don’t accept on the spot. Ask for time to think about it. Any reasonableRead… Read more »

Code for Oakland: June 4th

Apps for my city? My city! I’m so used to thinking of Boston, Seattle and Philadelphia as “our” cities this year. I spend most of my time hearing about them from our fellows and thinking about what’s next for them, and when I’m not doing that I’m thinking about the cities who’ve applied for ourRead… Read more »

Faster Is Not Always Better – by Mark Leheney

I recently served on a grand jury, which is definitely some experiential learning. It allows one to discover many facets of the community that may not be encountered so regularly in the course of everyday life. The way a grand jury works is that you hear many, many case summaries, each of which takes anywhereRead… Read more »

Why Implementing the Plain Writing Act Will Take Decades

“In just a few more years, the current homogenized voice of business—the sound of mission statements and brochures—will seem as contrived and artificial as the language of the 18th century French court.” – The Cluetrain Manifesto “In just a few more years” – if only that were true. Unfortunately, this quote was written more thanRead… Read more »

Open Civic Engagement, as a Service is one option that can be used to implement Open Government. Cloud 2.0 Apps – Open Civic Engagement, as a Service A very good example for this is “Open Civic Engagement, as a Service”, described in this presentation. The slide show talks through how Plone, the open source CMS (Content Management System) can beRead… Read more »

What Private Lives Tell Us About Public Leaders

If we want to understand the values of a society, it can often be found in the media coverage and public reaction to revelations about the private lives of public leaders. While the wall-to-wall coverage of former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s fathering a child with a household employee has been inextricably linked to the now-formerRead… Read more »

On track to nowhere

There has been a lot of work in recent years on ways of improving the process of public consultation. It’s not something about which I have any great expertise or direct involvement, but I am conscious of great efforts to produce consultation material in forms which are not just useful and accessible themselves, but whichRead… Read more »

HP Software Government Summit 21 June 2011 at Newseum

What do you think of when you read the company name HP? I instantly think of the little garage that launched a company and became a metaphor for most all American innovation (check out the HP garage here). HP has grown far beyond that little garage and is now a powerhouse provider of hardware, servicesRead… Read more »

Alpha gorilla

Everybody who has had much to do with the development of government web services knows that there have been failures of imagination, failures of bravery, failures of technique and failures to seize opportunities – as well as successes in the teeth of opposition and incomprehension. Few have had the opportunity to start from scratch (thoughRead… Read more »

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