Search Results for: cio

Open Government Links of the Week – May 13, 2011

“Open government requires accessibility, not just data, specialists say” “Making important agency information easy to find online can also be a key factor in improving the agency’s public image, said General Services Administration digital government specialist Sheila Campbell.” “Open Government Philadelphia: an initiative and policy paper from Councilman Bill Green” The post has “his 10Read… Read more »

Interested in Cyber Security? Read (and support) the new Cybersecurity Legislative Proposal

On 12 May 2011 the Obama Administration unveiled its cybersecurity legislative proposal. The entire proposal is available for your review at this link: cybersecurity legislative proposal. But I most strongly recommend you read the context provided by the government’s Cybersecurity Coordinator and Special Assistant to the President Howard Schmidt first. Howard provided a clear introductionRead… Read more »

Improving CBP’s Acquisition Workforce, Pt. 3: Forming the IPT

For those unfamiliar with the term, Integrated Product Teams, commonly called IPT’s, are cross-functional working groups that design a specific product, document, or process. The difference between an IPT and a regular working group is the authority vested in an IPT by its sponsors (usually senior leadership), and that its mission, vision, and goals areRead… Read more »

Under the Microscope: Dissecting the Georgia Anti-Obesity Campaign

This is a post that my friend/colleague Fran Melmed of [context communication] wrote recently, dissecting Georgia’s media campaign around childhood obesity. I really enjoyed how it was broken down and wanted to share with you all – with permission from Fran, of course (who by the way, enjoys lowercase writing). the georgia children’s health allianceRead… Read more »

5 minute post – out of chaos comes order

Out of chaos comes order. I sometimes wonder if the reverse is true too. That in the pursuit of order, health and safety, ticking boxes and ensuring everyone runs to the same hours, the same lunch breaks, the same commuter corridors, whether we have eliminated any space for chaos, and for the switch in mentalRead… Read more »

Shaping the Visions that will Define Our Society

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE Issue Date: Online Exclusive May 10, 2011Online Exclusive Shaping the visions that will define our societyWith pressure on both ends of the political spectrum, it’s imperative that we are engaged in the struggle by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD Like the turbulence that occurs when cold and warm air masses collide, weRead… Read more »

There is No Box: Uncertain Times Demand RAPID Innovation!

“Every act of creation is first an act of destruction“.– Pablo Picasso Conventional wisdom has been summarily discarded during these unprecedented times. Government leaders accustomed to relying on traditional tools to remedy temporary financial blips – increasing taxes while cutting expenses – have experienced a sobering realization that the current climate in most places aroundRead… Read more »

FICM Lightning Rounds – May 12 @ 2pm EST

Don’t Miss the next FICM Meeting, Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 2:00pm EDT The call will be held via GoToWebinar. Sign up to attend today at: The FICM Webinar supports discussion and information dissemination throughout the Federal Intranet Content Managers (FICM) group. Official information about the FICM group can be found at: ThisRead… Read more »

The War on Terror–Where Does It End?

I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate,Read… Read more »

Jenga Project Management Processes

Project Managers can get a little nuts about process sometimes. I mean, really. Really crazy. We add, and add, and add. It feels good, I think it’s an addiction actually. But then we end up with a pile of (insert expletive) that looks like a Jenga game about to fall over. We have to policeRead… Read more »