Search Results for: cio

Cinco de Mayo: Mexican-American Stats

Today (Thursday) is Cinco de Mayo, which “celebrates the legendary Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, in which a Mexican force of 4,500 men faced 6,000 well-trained French soldiers. The battle lasted four hours and ended in a victory for the Mexican army under Gen. Ignacio Zaragoza. Along with Mexican Independence Day on Sept.Read… Read more »

How not to woo Liberals

There is no doubt that many Liberals are engaged in some (much needed) deep introspection. But on the issue of a merger with the NDP Douglas Bell’s piece in the Globe may have been one of the worst thing proponents (on either the NDP or Liberal side) could have asked for. Bell’s piece, which linksRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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New Research on Sites that Publish Legal Information for Free on the Web

Isabelle Moncion of the Chair in Legal Information of the University of Montreal, and Lexum, has posted Building Sustainable LIIs – or Free Access to Law as Seen Through the Eyes of a Newbie, on the VoxPopuLII Blog, published by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. In this post, Ms. Moncion describesRead… Read more »

Is this service design thinking?

I went a couple of weeks ago to a fascinating discussion about the nature of service design, organised around a book published last year called This is Service Design Thinking. The two editors of the book were due to lead the session but were at the wrong ends of a skype three way video conferenceRead… Read more »

Beware of bin Laden spam and computer viruses

Malware purporting to contain information on Osama bin Laden is all over the Internet. This malicious software or “malware” can embed itself in computers and spread to users’ contact lists, infecting the systems of associates, friends and family members, the FBI warned today. Original post

Social Media Stages/Themes for Local Government

I read with interest Dan Slee’s blog post “Linked Social: Eight steps of social media evolution in local government” and whilst I agree with Dan I commented on his post with a slightly different perspective. I recommend that you can read the post directly but I have included a bit of my comment below: WithRead… Read more »

Storm Clouds on the Horizon?

This post sponsored by the Enterprise CIO Forum and HP. The recent Amazon cloud outage at its Northern Virginia data center will raise concerns among CIO’s looking to the “public cloud” to improve IT service delivery and reduce day-to-day operating costs. Industry claims of superior “up-time” performance, reliability and massive redundancy must now be revisitedRead… Read more » Monthly Tech Review

The Monthly Tech Review provides a recap of the hottest technology trends in industry and government. You can sign up using the form below. We appreciate our subscribers and will never sell your e-mail. Our newsletter production system gives you easy ways to put your subscription on hold or unsubscribe if you desire. PleaseRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Friday Fab Five: Chernobyl, SpongeBob, and the Side-Effects of Tech

Wait! Don’t take off for your big weekend plans just yet! You forgot to read the… Friday Fab 5! I know, I know, you wouldn’t actually have left without reading it first, right? In any case, it’s time to take a look back at this week on GovLoop and pay tribute to some great content.Read… Read more »

Government’s ROI for Open Government

When you invest in something, you want to know how well your investment is paying off – your ROI. Well, citizens “invest” in government (and their community), so they want easy access to useful information about it. They want to see a return on their investment. But open government is not just beneficial for citizens;Read… Read more »