Search Results for: cio

For What It’s Worth: On Impartiality During Elections

It is election time again in Canada. For public servants that means increased public scrutiny (real or perceived) and constant (very real) reminders about our obligations as professional, non-partisan public servants. There is something happening here My interests in civic life span far beyond the traditional left-right spectrum of partisan politics. I think that healthyRead… Read more »

GL Train – Today 4/28 at 2pm – Evolution of My Computing – From 286 to Tablet

**GL Training – 4/28 at 2pm – HP and GovLoop present The 21st Century Desktop – Free Registration** I still remember the first day my dad brought home a computer. Honestly, I had no idea what it was and what it was for. I don’t think he truly did – other than he thought itRead… Read more »

Rainmaker #5 – Start With An Offer

Definition – A Rainmaker creates a significant amount of new business for a company.The Sales Lab Rainmaker Series is one rainmaker technique for technologists during the first 300 seconds (five minutes) of the monthly Capital Technology Management Hub Meeting. This is the handout for our May meeting. Listening to a line of people introduce themselvesRead… Read more »

Walking Through The Front Door: SQL Injections

Image via Wikipedia Walking Through the Front Door Many corporations today have become dependant upon their websites. Where once websites were simply information portals or advertisments for their owners, they have transformed into something far greater. Today companies all over the world rely on their websites to log in remotely, provide news and information toRead… Read more »

Bookmarks for April 6th through April 27th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. How to beat Apple – Interesting read. Micro-Participation In Online Consultations – NIce summary and contribution to the discussion. Coté’s People Over Process » 3 Tips on Scaling Agile Development – “At some point, adopting Agile development becomes an organizational change management exercise that hasRead… Read more »

Open Government Canada

Our focus on the adoption of Open Government within Canada can be accessed at Fundamentally this fledgling practice has had two major landmark events to date: 1) The Open Government Resolution by the Privacy Commissioner, and 2) Beth Noveck addressing the parliament on March 2, 2011. In this address Beth lays out a bestRead… Read more » – Startup America Needs You!

Recently I launched the Open RFP Network: My primary inspiration for this was the Peer to Patent portal. When I first read Beth’s white paper about the transformation of the patent application process I realized that ultimately this would be applied to all government processes. Why keep slow, offline and expensive by a few,Read… Read more »

Open Innovation

Open Innovation communities are web sites that enable the members to work together using “Crowdsourcing” techniques. Defined by Henry Chesborough of Berkeley, Open Innovation is the best practice for an “open source approach” to business models. Operated by organizations such as Innocentive this enables them to harness a large community of experts for a widerRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Wiki Government : Replicating the Peer to Patent portal

The Peer to Patent portal is a headline example of the potential of Open Government “in the Cloud”, and the first project that defined “Wiki Government”. It illustrates how Open Government is not just about more open reporting for people to passively look at, it’s actually about re-engineering the process itself, to deliver considerable efficiencyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Open Government Cloud Computing

Harnessing Collective Intelligence for Public Sector Transformation An Executive Guide to the Business Value of Microsoft Cloud Computing Download: 16-page PDF This white paper is intended as a strategic overview of Cloud Computing for senior business executives in Government, providing a synopsis of how Cloud-based applications like Sharepoint might be applied to advance progress againstRead… Read more »