Search Results for: Cloud

Big data is great — BUT only when the information is accurate

Big Data — it’s the latest buzz word making its way across government. “Trends emerge and they get labeled. Provider flock to the new label, align themselves and say, ‘look we’ve always been doing this,’” says Paul Wohlleben the President of Wohlleben consulting and a former federal CIO. But what really is Big Data? WohllebenRead… Read more »

Tech talk: Implementing the new Digital Gov’t Strategy and renewed interest in Shared Services

On Today’s Edition of the DorobekINSIDER We’ve spent some time talking about the Obama administration’s Digital Government Strategy. Today, we’re going to talk about how that strategy can get implemented — and I know a lot of agencies are saying they have no money. GSA is hoping to help, and we’ll talk to the personRead… Read more »

How to guide for implementing the Digital Government Strategy

We’ve talked a lot about the White House’s new Digital Government Strategy. But if you haven’t seen it, you can find our recap here. It’s a massive strategy with more than 29 goals that all need to be accomplished in a very short period of time. So how do you actually implement the plan? That’sRead… Read more »

Potential Pitfalls of “Shared First”

Shared services — the Obama Administration is pushing its Shared Service Strategy. Share first is aimed at helping agencies improve the return on their IT investments, close productivity gaps and increase communications and collaboration amongst key stakeholders. It’s all part of OMB’s 25-Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal IT. Greg Bateman is the senior directorRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: Judicial vacancies are on the rise

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 6th of May, 2012 A bill to strengthen Whistleblower Protections has advanced in the House. Secrecy News says the Whistleblower Protection Act would require intelligence agency heads to advise employees on how to make lawful disclosures without retribution. The bill would bolster the comparatively flimsyRead… Read more »

LuzSec May Be Back, The DoE’s Cybersecurity Model, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Department of Energy has published its Electricity Subsector Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model as a guide to cybersecurity for utilities. More here. The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) will begin taking applications on Wednesday for security certificates to provide cloud services to the federalRead… Read more »

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Could BYOD ease budget cuts? And local government challenges — different from those at the federal level

Today on the DorobekINSIDER BYOD — bring your own device. It is something that could be possible, but there are issues. We’ll talk to somebody who is actually doing it, Kimberly Hatcher at EEOC. Click here for the full post. There are challenges facing federal agencies, but there are many challenges facing cities and countiesRead… Read more »

3 things feds don’t know about local government

Right now federal, state and local governments are plagued with similar problems: tight budgets, implementing new technologies, utilizing social media and dealing with low public support. But there are some big differences too. Ron Carlee is the Chief Operating Officer at International City/County Management Association. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program there areRead… Read more »

EEOC cuts costs with BYOD pilot program

Technology can help agencies make great strides increasing productivity and in cutting costs – but it can also be very expensive. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is quickly discovering how to leverage new policies amid budget cuts. This past year, the IT budget for the EEOC was reduced about 15%. The Commission had to lookRead… Read more »

Help Us Find The Most Virtuous, Mission-Focused Enterprise IT

Our sister site,, hosts a curated list of firms we believe provide the most virtuous, mission-focused, positively disruptive technologies available to enterprises today. We maintain this directory as a reference for technology professionals. We find firms to include on this list by casting a wide net. We talk with other technology professionals from aroundRead… Read more »

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