Search Results for: personal brand

3 Customer Personas Your Customer Service Department Should Be Ready For

Knowing who your customers are is essential to having any successful business venture. I’m not talking about knowing their names or their locations (those are important) but knowing what makes them tick and their personalities is far more valuable. In our recent report: The Customer Service Playbook for Government, we go through all the waysRead… Read more »

Taming the Emailstrom Part I: 11 Ways to Control Email

Summary: Part I of a three-part series offers 11 basic suggestions to help you control email. Tips are provided for setting a strong foundation, managing the flow of messages, and clearing your inbox. Part II outlines ways to manage email throughout the day, and Part III offers tips for better email creation and delivery. AdditionalRead… Read more »

A Partial Reading List for PR Students

This post originally appeared on my blog, Social Media Strategery. College students across the country are in the midst of moving back to college for the fall semester. In between partying, traveling, club activities, sports, Greek commitments, and jobs, some will also be attending classes. Those lucky enough to be taking a PR class shouldRead… Read more »

Salesmen Need To Be Coaches At Fiscal Year-End

by Steve Charles, Co-founder and Executive Vice President Your customers need your help. Not just your products and the requirements those will fulfill, but your personal help to get fully justified purchase requests to contracting shops who can issue the order before the end of the fiscal year. I spoke on a panel discussion lastRead… Read more »

Essential Elements of a Government Social Media Policy

Government Social Media Policy Part 1: The Public Notice There are two major elements of an external-facing government social media policy. That is to say, a policy that is applicable to the public. The elements include: The section detailing the moderation of third party content, and A notice regarding applicable public records law. Moderation ofRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Designing Smart Open Cities

There is much discussion about cities becoming smarter, but becoming smarter is only part of what we should be aiming to achieve. Cities need to change in many ways to accommodate the influx of people during the 21st century. A Transportation Command Center (source: Highways Agency, flickr) Fortunately there’s a revolution occurring in how ourRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

“Social Media” is SO 2009! 7 Proposed Digital Terminology Upgrades

At the risk of inspiring unresolvable semantic discussions, this post offers seven examples of digital terminology that should probably be replaced and/or removed from the lexicon and suggests both existing and new alternative terminology to use instead. It also includes some of the dialogue that followed its original publication on the former blog. What otherRead… Read more »

It’s Time to Get Serious about Digital Technology

(August 19, 2013) Even though we’re entering the fifth decade (or more) of the Digital Era, many organizational leaders and other senior professionals have still not fully grasped what that means in terms of their own digital technology awareness, literacy, and engagement. This post offers seven recommended actions that leaders (and others) should commit toRead… Read more »

Self Reliance

The trend toward self reliance is growing in velocity and scope. This post is highlights of the shift that is becoming increasingly clear. As I recall, we were taught at a young age to rely on others instead of ourselves – back in the old days: parents set our limits and standards teachers enforced theRead… Read more »

Lightning Speaker: It Takes a Village to Save the Ark: Experiences in Government and Zoo Collaboration for All-Hazards Emergency Preparedness by Dr. Jeleen Briscoe

Our second lightening speaker was Dr. Jeleen Brisco, Department of Agriculture. Her presentation was called: It Takes a Village to Save the Ark: Experiences in Government and Zoo Collaboration for All-Hazards Emergency Preparedness by Dr. Jeleen Briscoe. Dr. Jeleen Briscoe’s abstract for the presentation can be found below: Zoos and aquariums provide the public up-close-and-personalRead… Read more »