Search Results for: plain language

Understand Personality to Be a Better Leader

In the workplace, your interactions with your colleagues matter. But, ensuring positive and supportive connections between your coworkers can be a tough task. One important aspect of building a healthy and successful partnership is accounting for the different emotions and personality preferences of each person.

Meet the Govie Who’s Fast Tracking Citizenship for Immigrants

Immigration has impacted almost all of our lives in one way or another. Whether you are an immigrant yourself or one of your colleagues is trying to help her parents become citizens, we all know how tedious the immigration process can be. Fortunately, there are people like Mariela Melero who are innovating the immigration process… Read more »

5 Videos Every Woman in Gov Should Watch

Whether you just read GovFem once a week or you’re more like me and scour the headlines every day for feminist news, chances are you could use a change of pace. So, instead of writing a post about women in government, career advice, or feminism this week, I decided to let some of the most inspirational womenRead… Read more »