Search Results for: cio

Member of the Week: David Dejewski

This week’s featured member is David Dejewski – check out his awesomeness! 1. What was your path to public service? Serving my community has seemed pretty important to me since I was a kid. I was 7 yrs old when I witnessed some “older” kids set fire to a field behind my house. I soundedRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: GSA’s Federal Cloud Computing Program

Government Rockstar Mary Davie has been posting Projects of the Week for some time now…but this is the first time I’ve been able to catch up with her after she started her new role as GSA’s Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Integrated Technology Services (ITS). Below is a quick Q&A that highlights GSA’s effortsRead… Read more »

Mobile Decisions | To App or Not to App, That is the Question

I will get some of this wrong. I am undoubtedly leaving much out. I am oversimplifying. However, as mobile development in the federal government continues to ramp up, tools to help agencies and individuals assess how (and when) to intelligently proceed are increasingly important. Recognizing that every situation is unique, an understanding of a fewRead… Read more »

Top 4 Relationship Myths at the Workplace by Sandra Crowe

Top 4 Relationship Myths at the Workplace by Sandra Crowe Being Nice Always Gets You Ahead- Being nice is great, but if it is perceived as insincere or artificial you will be sniffed out immediately. Instead of niceness focus on listening; the ability to listen will move you further in your relationships than the desireRead… Read more »

Success Rule #20 – Don’t Gossip

This success rule calls for balance. As an unavoidable presence in the workplace, you will find yourself hearing about such and such or so and so, or upcoming changes around the office. Disapprove and risk being labeled the outsider, the snob. Perpetuate it and be part of the problem. If it’s damaging or hurtful, orRead… Read more »

Energy in America: The New York Times Goes In-Depth

With so much green news reported each week, it’s sometimes easy to miss a great story. Well, we mentioned two stories last week, and today we want to highlight a series from The New York Times. The NYTimes recently published a number of articles designed to help give readers a perspective on the country’s currentRead… Read more »

Has Social Media Killed the RSVP?

What got me thinking today, however, was the RSVP return. Before the party, only 8 people had RSVPed and yet, more than 40 people were in attendance. A similar situation occurred several month ago when I shared invitations to my daughter’s birthday party. We had invited 12 kids and only 3 RSVP’s arrived in advanceRead… Read more »

The Why of Social Media (part 2)

When thinking about citizen and employee engagement and how we can all work together to address complex issues such as climate change, homelessness and healthcare, to name a few, consider what motivates people and how we can enable them to do what they do best: contribute. Understanding human motivation is the foundation of improving citizenRead… Read more »

Spotted: Childless Man with Diaper Bag!

Recently, my friend Francis Abbey let me in on a little secret. Although, he has no children (that he knows of!), he carries a diaper bag. He has found it to be a great way to carry his camera incognito. Fashion Faux Pas or Cool Camera Bag? ] After seeing how well Francis’ worked diaperRead… Read more »

I’ve never collaborated like this

This is simply an awesome example of collaboration via google docs…. Filed under: Video Tagged: Collaboration, google docs, video Original post