Search Results for: cio

Federal sustainability update: CEIL President’s weekly update

I’ve been to Philadelphia twice in the past week to attend Globalcon and the Brownfield Conference. I can report that the new convention center is pleasant, Reading Terminal is still the best place to eat and the City of Philadelphia is putting significant effort into being green. Philly’s goal is to reclaim waterfront property, putRead… Read more »

Phew, I can now stop feeling like a fraud

Inspired by my colleague and good friend @MartinHowitt ‘s blog post “The discipline that dare not speak its name“. I thought I’d reflect on the Enterprise Architecture Journey here at the council from my perspective. The role of Enterprise Architect is being deleted here at the council and is being replaced by a new roleRead… Read more »

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Filed under: Tech

Bill Vass Joins Zafesoft Advisory Board

Bill Vass is one of the smartest/sharpest minds I know. He is an incredible thinker with a deep understanding of human nature, physics, electronics, construction, art, philosophy, history and business. He is also one of the smartest technologists I know. When Bill decides to associate himself with something we should all take note. With thatRead… Read more »

Debts, Deficits and the Economy: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going?

A student organization at Maxwell, the Policy Students for Fiscal Sustainability (PSFS) is holding a two-day conference, “Debt, Deficits, and the Economy: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going?” What a pertinent time for this kind of conference and conversation. I can’t wait to attend and check out all the great programingRead… Read more »

Austin City Limits: What’s Holding Back Government Innovation in Austin, Texas?

***Part of our month-long series on Creating a Digital City with PDF – Check out all our analysis*** As municipalities across the country are exploring how to use the Internet to make theirs better places to live, some winning combinations of talent, policy and technology are beginning to emerge — as are problems with otherRead… Read more »

Support the Bid – Connecting Devon and Somerset

To all who live in Devon and or Somerset Devon and Somerset Councils are appealing to you for your support of their bid to the government for superfast broadband for Devon and Somerset. Just because Devon is a largely rural county it doesn’t mean that it should be left behind in a digital age. DoRead… Read more »

Tort reform passes in Oklahoma

Oklahoma passed a set of bills designed to bring tort reform to the state. The bills were a central part of Governor Mary Fallin’s campaign, who claims that tort reform is critical to job-creation. The bills provide for caps to damage awards and also determine degrees of fault in a case. Awardees will also beRead… Read more »

President Obama on America’s Energy Security

The President spoke last week at Georgetown, where he unveiled the Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future (PDF). Above is a video of his remarks. Share this article! Original post

The Cloud and Physical Security

We’ve talked at length about cloud computing and cybersecurity, but cloud computing can also have an effect on physical security through its application to intelligence. The U.S. Army has recently launched its first tactical cloud in Afghanistan, the Distributed Common Ground System-Army. DCGS-A pools years of intelligence from various systems and databases into one cloudRead… Read more »

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Filed under: Tech