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Changing of the Guard: White House Cybersecurity Coordinator

This week on the 
DorobekINSIDER, Chris Dorobek spoke with Karen Evans, the national director of 
US Cyber Challenge. Among other cybersecurity issues, Karen discussed
 soon-to-be-retired Howard Schmidt’s tenure as the White House Cybersecurity Coordinator and the challenges facing his successor, Michael Daniel.

 Evans argues that Howard Schmidt brought a lot of attention to the complicatedRead… Read more »

The Warrior Foundation serves those that serve the US

Memorial day is coming up, it’s a change for GovLoop to honor the servicemen and women charged with protecting the United States by featuring someone from a foundation or program which aims to assist soldiers and veterans every day
 this week. Our first feature is Sandy Lehmkuhler, founder and executive director of the Warrior Foundation.Read… Read more »

NGEN Cost Estimates Halved, Alleged Iranian NASA Hack, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Navy has reduced it’s estimated cost for the Next-Generation Enterprise Network in roughly half to between $4.5 and $5.398 billion over five years. More here. NASA is investigating allegations that a team of Iranian hackers compromised its Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. More here. TheRead… Read more »

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TSA destined to fail? Insights from former administrator Kip Hawley and why workplace culture is essential

 On today’s program for Monday May 21st, 2012
 The TSA is up against an almost impossible task — protecting more than 2 million travelers each day — but are they up for the task? We talk to the former TSA administrator Kip Hawley. To get the best talent — you need to match google,Read… Read more »

Is TSA mission impossible? Insights from their former administrator Kip Hawley

Since 2001 the Transportation Security Administration has had an almost impossible job — protect the 2 million people who fly in an out of US airports.
 But how effective is this beleaguered agency, and is it really keeping us safe from terrorism?
 Kip Hawley is the former TSA administrator and the author of a newRead… Read more »

Government IT Reform: About Checking Boxes or Driving Efficiency?

It’s been a year and half since the U.S. CIO’s office issued its 25 point implementation plan to reform federal technology management. Chief among them are goals to consolidate at least 800 data centers by 2015 and the shift to a “Shared First” policy, under which the federal government had identified $20 billion in ITRead… Read more »

Like it or not, this is the workplace culture your organization is competing with

I came across 
this gem via
 Peter Stoyko’s blog; it’s the
 Valve employee handbook. Before I share my thoughts, here is what Peter had this to say about it:
 Behold: the employee-orientation manual of the future; except, I hasten to add, this manual is for an extremely successful company from the here and now, theRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: May 18, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda The business world was all 
atwitter about Facebook, but my round-up is about Twitter this week.
 Twitter in the US and the UK. Brunel University published “An Overview Study of Twitter in the UK Local Government,” and the IBM Center released “Working the Network,” a Twitter guide for federal agencies, written by SyracuseRead… Read more »