Search Results for: research

Please join us for the FOSE DC Conference, 3-5 April in DC

Come to the FOSE conference for some great talks and networking The FOSE conference is an annual conference in DC that combines offers novel approaches to government technology solutions. Come meet some great government technologists, hear success stories and get excited for the next wave of public and private technological innovations. Find FOSE on theRead… Read more »

Montgomery Blair HS Science Program Extends Work Of Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Mendeleyev, Lovelace, And Some Famous Scientists As Well!

Jim Disbrow has been a Science Judge with the Junior Academy at the Washington Academy of Sciences for almost as many years as he has been a presenter at the Professional Development Institute (PDI) hosted annually by the Virginia Association of Science Teachers ( ). Props he lent were from his collection of PDI discrepantRead… Read more »

Andreessen Horowitz: Investing in, and nurturing, great capabilities for the enterprise

Andreessen Horowitz has a model I have not seen at any other Venture Capital firm, and that model is paying off for a broad ecosystem of companies, investors and enterprise IT professionals. From the standpoint of an enterprise technologist, the payoff will come by their support of firms fielding capabilities that will make a positiveRead… Read more »

Growing number of working households put 50% of their income into housing

Despite a variety of programs designed to reduce the cost burden on homeowners in the wake of the financial crisis, a new study from the Center for Housing Policy confirms that many working households are paying half or more of their income into housing costs. CivSource spoke with Laura Williams, research associate with the CenterRead… Read more »

A tour of the media coverage for AmericaSpeaks’ One City Summit

I wanted to share excerpts from a few media pieces about the One City Summit held on February 11th in D.C. by NCDD organizational member AmericaSpeaks. Most groups in our field work on a smaller scale or run their programs over a longer period of time (which is less media-grabbing), so it’s always interesting toRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 24, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda On Twitter and NPR: The State Department’s use of social media was featured in an extended piece broadcast on NPR. Is that kind of coverage a metric of social media impact? From the Cloud to Your Pocket. This week, Gov.AOL published two pieces on the federal government’s movement toward mobile. The first, aboutRead… Read more »

Why Government Agencies Use Private Cell Phone Number Databases?

As a database administrator, I have been working on various non-profit and for-profit projects in the past couple years. Recently, I have been managing a database for a reverse phone lookup company that helps discover the identities behind certain hard-to-find phone numbers, including unpublished mobile numbers. What I have noticed is that there are manyRead… Read more »

States lurch toward health care reform

States are moving toward health care reform but not without significant challenges. Nearly every aspect of federal health care reform legislation has been politicized and yet federal deadlines loom large. Federal health care reform legislation created new and signficant requirements for states to comply with leading many states to launch court challenges claiming overreach andRead… Read more »

The Homework Quandry

Whether you teach elementary school or graduate school, the effectiveness and purpose of homework has long been debated. Should you ask, most people would probably tell you that homework is important and promotes learning and mastery of course material and in fact, research can be cited to support this intuitive assertion. For example, a studyRead… Read more »

Social media monitoring is critical for government operations

As Congress goes about grilling Homeland Security over the department’s monitoring of social media—as it did in a hearing last week—a more fulsome understanding of the benefits of social media monitoring and analysis is needed. The value of social media monitoring extends far beyond the important but niche domain of monitoring terrorist chatter online. RatherRead… Read more »