Search Results for: cio

Intermodal future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades #intermodal #freight

It seems that things have never looked this good for the intermodal industry, specifically the railroads and some of the truckload carriers. The tepid economic recovery has been everything but that for them. They’ve taken the recovery by the horns, while pushing it from the rear. The industry has benefited from a double-punch of growingRead… Read more »

Cyber Report Is Both Revealing and Puzzling

If the sheer volume of initiatives ensured cybersecurity, then the federal government would be one of the tightest entities in the world. Last week’s annual report on Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) compliance is a paean to the many efforts underway by the Office of Management and Budget. It reiterates: Movement by agencies toRead… Read more »

Is the Instant-On Enterprise Right for You?

This post sponsored by the Enterprise CIO Forum and HP. How is your enterprise dealing with Big Data? We’ve written much about the growing benefits and challenges Big Data is posing in the Federal enterprise and have highlighted a number of tools and approaches to addressing issues of big data analytics. While the analytics pieceRead… Read more »

Links re: political law for Monday, March 28, 2011

REVOLVING DOOR REMINDER. “Ethics experts suggest former Senate aide Doug Hampton’s indictment last week over allegations that he violated Congressional ‘revolving door’ rules will serve as a stark reminder on Capitol Hill and K Street that lobbying rules carry real penalties.” Roll Call. CUPCAKES AND LOBBYING. The Times reports. “In this covetous town, the delicaciesRead… Read more »

Tech Support Care Package – Google

I think this is a really interesting website (Tech Support Care Package) which allows a user to post a message to their parents or anyone actually with a list of useful videos to allow them to learn how to use aspects of the web. You are limited to sending 12 videos at a time, howeverRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

My experience of the #26March protests

This is a tough post to write and even tougher to write succinctly. Capturing such a fluid and changing day of two halves in something as structured as a blog post is a little challenging, but I feel obliged to give it a go. It also goes without saying (and covered by many elsewhere) thatRead… Read more »

Providing the Blueprints for Improved Government/Industry Communications in the Acquisition Process

As part of Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) Vivek Kundra’s 25 point plan to improve the management of Federal IT resources, a vital component in need of attention is the poor state of communications between government and industry. Although this fact was highlighted in Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFFP) Administrator Dan Gordon’s Mythbusters memoRead… Read more »

Federal Sustainability and Green Government e-Newsletter #30

Subscribe to CEIL’s e-newsletter by visit: Home Focus Areas Networking Podcasts News GOVgreen Products Green Government Update March 25, 2011 In This Issue From the President Federal grant to reduce waste produces results From the CEIL Blog This Week’s Top Stories Featured News Quick Links CEIL Blog GOVgreen Podcast Series GOVgreen Videos CallRead… Read more »

Energy Efficiency Technology from Pacific Northwest Nat’l Lab

PNNL has really been on our radar lately. We recently did a podcast interview with Graham Parker, Manager of the High Performance Windows Volume Purchase Program at PNNL, and now we’d like to share another one of their energy-saving technologies – the Grid Friendly Charger Controller. One of the challenges to the widespread adoption ofRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech