Search Results for: research

Job Search Networking

“Networking is a dreeeaaad word for job seekers,” Patra intones. But it’s not as hard as you may think it is. Check out this video and find out how networking may be easier than you think. Why is networking important? Two thoughts: 1. Networking is your window on the “hidden” job market. The vast majorityRead… Read more »

Grieving the Sudden Death of a Beloved Mentor, Manager, and “Man for All Seasons”: The Personal and Transpersonal Art of Keeping a Spirit Alive

My Grief Intervention work continues. I believe there is much to learn being with people whose world has been tragically turned upside down. I hope I have done justice to their pain and plight. Of course, if I can help you deal with personal or organizational loss, through on-site grief intervention, workshops, or retreats onRead… Read more »

Predictive Policing with Big Data

Police Departments nationwide have been using data and statistics to drive policing since the 90s in an approach founded by the NYPD named CompStat was credited with dramatic reductions in crime and increases in efficiency. CompStat, a process and philosophy rather than a single technology or software, uses databases and GIS to record and trackRead… Read more »

Media Watch: The Globe and Mail’s Shifting Headline

Earlier today the Globe and Mail had one of these truly terrible “balanced” articles about the proposed federal crime bill. The headline screamed: Quebec expert backs Tory crime bill amid U.S. warning on sentencing. (Image below) So who was this expert you might ask? A university professor with years of research on the subject? MaybeRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized


Resolving Community Conflicts and Problems: Public Deliberation and Sustained Dialogue

This 2011 book, edited by Roger A. Lohmann and Jon Van Til, focuses on how public deliberation and group discussion can strengthen the foundations of civil society, even when the groups engaged in debate share a history of animosity. Scholars have begun to study the dialogue sustaining these conversations, especially its power to unite andRead… Read more »

Twenty-five percent dominate the internet. The Quality Web.

Http://LeonardSipes.Com (Note that I write about the internet and PR experiences of government, associations and nonprofits). Pew states that 65 percent of Americans are involved in social media but what do we mean by “involved?” The research below from Pew suggests that power users constitute about 20%-30% of Facebook users. Only 5 percent of FacebookRead… Read more »

NC Telehealth Network connects first non-profit hospital

The North Carolina Telehealth Network (NCTN) has connected its first non-profit hospital. The Vidant Medical Center in Greenville, NC will be connected to the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN) thanks to completion of the first phase of the state’s Golden Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. Vidant Medical Center is part of Vidant Health,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

High tech police gadgets to fight crime

Would you have a problem with a police van being parked in your neighborhood? This same armored vehicle has large red letters painted on the side that state, “Warning: You are under video surveillance.” The front bumper taunts, “Whatcha gonna do when we come for you?” This is the “The Peacemaker,” the Fort Lauderdale PoliceRead… Read more »

New Feature: Kathleen’s Reading Summary

Reading is fundamental and we are all bombarded with email newsletters, RSS feeds and the ever present forwarded email from a colleague or, worse, a supervisor. Yet, if we don’t look at new sources of information from time to time, I believe we will not learn anything new and may get stuck within our sameRead… Read more »

May 21-22 The Science of Science Communication Conference

May 21-22, 2012National Academy of SciencesWashington, DC “Overview This colloquium will survey the state of the art of empirical social science research in science communication and will focus on research in psychology, decision science, mass communication, risk communication, health communication, political science, sociology, and related fields on the communication dynamics surrounding issues in science, engineering,Read… Read more »