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Are New Controls on Conferences and Travel an Overreaction?

Government trainings are important. They provide valuable skills to government employees so that they can better do their jobs. However, since the GSA conference scandal, it’s been more difficult than ever for federal workers to justify conferences and trainings. Some of these controls are good, but some may be detrimental to the good work governmentRead… Read more »

New Crowdfunded Project in Eugene — Let’s Talk: Our New Economy

In Eugene, Oregon, the Co-Intelligence Institute is engineering a community-focused process to increase local capacity for healthy, creative group dialogue. By combining trainings and workshops with a series of dialogues around a substantive issue — in this case, the economy — we plan to demonstrate the generative power of group process even as we stimulateRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: The federal pay debate is back

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 16th of May, 2012 The federal pay debate is back in the headlines — this time it’s centered on your bonuses. The Office of Personnel Management says the federal government paid at least $439 million in employee bonuses last year— that’s down $43 million sinceRead… Read more »

Oracle on GovLoop

Oracle is proud to help support the collaboration, information sharing and innovation occurring across all levels of government throughout the GovLoop network. Company Overview:  Managing government has never been more challenging. Public sector leaders face increasing expectations from citizens, businesses, elected officials, and employees. Pressed to provide services and information more quickly and cost effectivelyRead… Read more »

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Protecting Your Online Privacy is Easy – Here’s How

In the May 7th, 2012 post, I talked about policies you can implement to protect your online privacy. That post reinforced how important it is to use common sense when online. The biggest take-away from that article was not to use free services for editing, storing, or communicating personal information. However, it’s not always possibleRead… Read more »

3 takes on suspensions and debarments and say goodbye to continuous improvements?

 On Today’s Program for Tuesday May 15, 2012
 Suspensions and debarments — it is the ultimate way if there are problems with a government contractor, but it can also wreak havoc to government contracting. A panel at the ACT-IAC Excellence in Acquisition conference recently, and we’ll hear highlights…
 Do more with less — weRead… Read more »

5 Ways to Attract The Next Generation of Public Servants

This is the third post in our GovLoop May Blog series, exploring how to break down silos in government. Our first post focused on the “trusted leader” and the traits required for leadership across government. Our second post explored collaboration strategies on your team. This week, we’ll look out to the future, and how toRead… Read more »

3 Great Case Studies – Local Government Adopting Google Technology

Within the last few weeks, Google has made quite a few announcements regarding numerous local governments beginning to use Google Apps for Government. Three cities in particular have been the City of Edmonton, which was the first major municipal government in Canada to use the Google suite. Two other cities where St.Louis and Columbia, Missouri.Read… Read more »

Suspensions and Debarments — 3 perspectives — Why do they happen and are they necessary?

Joe Jordan is the President’s nominee to be the next administrator at the Office of Federal Procurement Policy. During his confirmation hearing Jordan was grilled on how he would improve agencies’ use of suspension and debarment against poorly performing contractors and how he would get a handle on the unknown number of contracts used throughoutRead… Read more »

Continuous improvement is great, but shouldn’t we innovate?

Do more with less. We’ve all heard it, and it’s great to create lean services during austerity. However, there’s a limit to lean, and a point where we need to try new things and do things differently. Chris Dorobek of the DorobekINSIDER spoke with Ron Ashkenas, Managing Partner at Schaffer Consulting, author of Simply EffectiveRead… Read more »