Search Results for: research

Sunlight Foundation: 2Day in #OpenGov 2/9/2012

Policy Fellow Matt Rumsey wrote this post. Here is Thursday’s look at transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: Campaign Finance Senator John Tester (D-MT) took a cue from Senate candidates in Massachusetts and publicly challenged his Republican opponent, Rep. Denny Rehberg, to sign a pledgeRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Interested in sharing your views about public service?

I would like to let you know about a new project at the School of Public Affairs and Administration at Rutgers University-Newark: The Public Service Research Panel ( The PSR Panel is an opt-in, online community of professionals in the public and nonprofit sectors who receive occasional email invitations to participate in web-based surveys. SurveyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

How To Create A GSA Schedule Sales Query

If you haven’t learned by reading my posts I am very adamant on performing your research before you get into handling a GSA contract. Although you can use sales queries after obtaining a GSA contract it would be best to create a query before. This is another way of making a determination if a GSARead… Read more »

Creating A Network Of Government Innovation Advisors

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation was created by Congress to help transform the Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP programs to deliver better healthcare, better health and reduced costs through improvement. The Center has created an interesting Innovation Advisors Program with the goal of creating a network of experts in improving the delivery system forRead… Read more »

What if we were really good at social media?

Http://leonardSipes.Com I recently wrote Newspapers and the internet; the lessons we share. The first article was based on The Story So Far, What We Know About the Business of Digital Journalism from the Columbia Journalism School which may be the most insightful social media document of all time. The essence is the media’s attempt toRead… Read more »

IAP2 North America Conference 2012 Call for Proposals

This just in via the IAP2 Canada newsletter: IAP2 North America Conference 2012 – Call for Proposals Welcome to the 2012 North American IAP2 Conference! We are extremely excited to be working with our partner organization IAP2 USA to bring you this event and hope you can join us September 30 – October 2, 2012Read… Read more »

Top 5 Tips to Prepare for Interviews… in the 21st Century

Congratulations! After much hard work on creating a great resume, networking, applying for jobs, and following up, you’ve been called for an interview. Job interviewing is one of the more stressful activities you can go through, so how can you be prepared to beat the competition? Here are 5 tips: 1. Use the job descriptionRead… Read more »

Work: A Place — Or the Things We Do?

Imagine this: A workforce with no set schedule, no mandatory attendance, and no centralized location to get the job done. Confused? Don’t be. A new modern day philosophy is emerging in our workforce that slashes conventional workplace practices. The philosophy is known as ROWE – Results-Only Work Environment. Judging employees based on productivity instead ofRead… Read more »

Reasons and Methods to Go Mobile in 2012

By Andreas Muno, SAP Over the next few weeks, this blog series will explore the reason why government should go mobile and identify strategies that have been successful. But first let’s discuss the state of government mobility. So, what are government organizations already doing? Many federal, state and local agencies in the US already provideRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: 'Back to the Source': Colbert Super PAC Leads FEC Reporting, Gingrich Campaign and Others Follow

Super PACs have been a hot topic in the news recently as reporters, advocacy groups, and the public try to follow the money flowing into the political system as the 2012 elections approach. On January 31st MSNBC reported that Stephen Colbert’s super PAC, Americans for A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, was the first to submit itsRead… Read more »