Search Results for: cio

Energy Demands and Renewables

In light of recent surges in the price of oil – and the price of gas at the pump – we wanted to share a statement from the CEO of Hess Corporation. John B. Hess, the Chairman and CEO of Hess stated, according to The New York Times, “The $140-per-barrel oil price of three yearsRead… Read more »

Green Building Policy Clearinghouse on the Web

The good folks over at Sustainable Industries recently published an article about is a clearinghouse for green building policies and measurement practices. In just a few minutes on the site, we used the Policy Map tool to find out how Kansas implemented a law in 2007 that requires all residential single-family (and someRead… Read more »

On Becoming a “Word Artist” on Stage and Page: How to ASPIRE-2 – Critical Components of “Excellence”

Hi, In between working on the Gentoring ™ concept, I’m finishing my essay on ASPIRE-2. Email if you missed Part I which focused on the first six (ASP) “creativity” characteristics — Aggression & Accessibility Symbol & Synthesis Poignant & Playful Imagery & Irony Risk-Taking and Rhythm ‘n Rhyme Expressive & Excellence To read this essayRead… Read more »

Weekend recap – education cuts, immigration reform and medicaid

The weekend recap is the place to find out what happened last week and what’s ahead in state legislatures across the nation. Read on to learn about what you might have missed between between brunch and waking up to the cruel realization that it’s Monday. Want to call out something happening in your statehouse? EmailRead… Read more »

Access to Information in Alberta: The Grim Picture on the Ground

I’ve been following with great interest the efforts of Intellog Blog’s effort’s to get the Government of Alberta to gain access to the location of all oil and gas well’s in the Western Sedimentary Basin. Their goal is pretty simple, they want to spur research and increase awareness around the economic opportunities, health consequences andRead… Read more »

Keeping up with technology and tools

The pace of technology is exploding. It was a little more than 20 years ago when individual government workstations began receiving computers. I joined the Air Force in 1989. At the time, it was the communications squadron’s policy to ration personal computer to only two per office until it was able to give one toRead… Read more »

“Gentoring” ™: Barriers to Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide – Traditionals and Boomer ‘Hot Buttons’” – Part III

In the aftermath of a recent “Bridging Generational Communication” workshop with a major DC utility, I coined two new concepts – “Gentor” ™ and “Gentoring” ™. (My Webmaster frequently notes how Spell-check is not impressed by my wordsmith proclivities!) And a showcase essay, “Gentoring” ™: Building a New Mentoring Role for Bridging the Generational-Digital DivideRead… Read more »

How do you develop technology team

A colleague has asked an interesting question and I’d like some help answering. The question: I am working with one of our development teams on their needs/development plans and I wanted to bring external best practices in this area.Do you have any examples (or theory /articles) on how to develop effectively developers / technology teams?Read… Read more »

YOU Make GovLoop Awesome – Leadership Opportunities

You know the story – a young, idealistic Department of Homeland Security employee launches a social network on a whim — as a hobby, really — in mid-2008. He invites a few of his friends to join and they come alongside him as Community Leaders. They welcome new members, write Member and Project of theRead… Read more »

Energy Management Live on the Web

Intel Corp. recently launched the website Explore Intel to publicly disclose valuable environmental impact information for its Fab 11 facility in New Mexico. When you go to the site, be sure to click on the “Additional Environmental Data” tab, this is where you’ll be able to see where Intel’s New Mexico facility is improving andRead… Read more »