Search Results for: research

Procurement Innovation Challenge Now Open: Share Your Story

What have government agencies done to innovate procurement systems? What creative measures have been taken for successful procurement reforms? If you have a great story to answer these questions, bring it to the Procurement Innovation Challenge. The Challenge has just launched and invites members of the GovLoop community to share experiences in innovative approaches, processes,Read… Read more »

Appalachian Food & Agriculture Summit 2012

From AFAS: “Appalachian Food & Agriculture Summit 2012 Common Roots, Common Goals March 23-25 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA What is it? The inaugural Appalachian Food and Agriculture Summit 2012: Common Roots, Common Goals will provide opportunities for connection, education, discourse, and hands on experience focused on engaging in a healthy food system. Through workshops, FOOD,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

PCORI Hosts National Patient and Stakeholder Dialogue

From the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute: “The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) will hold a National Patient and Stakeholder Dialogue on February 27, 2012. We will present PCORI’s Draft National Priorities and Research Agenda and welcome three-and-a-half hours of public comment by individuals attending in person and by phone. In addition, there will be twoRead… Read more »

Keeping Track! The Next Scud Hits Federal Compensation

So many pieces of legislation and so little time for campaigners to come up with ways to inhibit/prohibit pay increases for Federal employees. Proposals are coming out of Washington like scud missiles but looking less like true, well-researched bills to address real concerns with Federal compensation. What’s next? Freezing promotions? Here’s an abridged list ofRead… Read more »

Four Methods for Creating Thriving Employees

“If you give your employees the chance to learn and grow, they’ll thrive – and so will your organization,” says Gretchen Spreitzer and Christine Porath in an article they wrote in the January-February 2012 issue of Harvard Business Review. Their article doesn’t focus on creating happy employees but rather “thriving” employees. They say the focusRead… Read more »

How To Find A GSA Schedule That Fits Your Needs

Making a determination of if a GSA Schedule is right for you can done by doing your research.GSA currently has over 15 categories of federal schedules that cover a wide range beginning with supplies and services to wild land fire and equipment so you have a lot to choose from. Once you locate the scheduleRead… Read more »

Good Governance Worldwide

Check out ASPA’s new Web site aimed at promoting good governance worldwide – particularly in modernizing and emerging democracies. It offers a wide array of best practice content – through e-articles, commentaries, book reviews, interviews, blogs, podcasts, videos, topical forums, wikis, etc. – and should open up networking opportunities for practitioners, applied researchers, PA students,Read… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Video Blackout of Hearing on Budgets for Legislative Support Agencies

This Tuesday, there will be hearing on budgets for the Library of Congress, the Government Printing Office, the Government Accountability Office, and the Congressional Budget Office. It’s too bad that the public won’t have a real opportunity to learn about these important agencies, as the meeting is not expected to be webcast by the committee,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized


Flashmob at the National Heart Lung & Blood Institute

Thought you might be interested in a special video created in honor of National Wear Red Day®. As you already know, February is American Heart Month, and today the staff at the National Institutes of Health sent a very special thank you to all the scientists and researchers who work every day to improveRead… Read more »

Live-Blogging Tech@State: Real-Time Awareness in Different Contexts

The first panel of the day was on how various organizations use social media and internet-enabled data to create real-time awareness. The panel was moderated by Dr. Linton Wells (National Defense University) and included panelists Robert Bectel (Department of Energy), Robert Kirkpatrick (UN Global Pulse), Ahmed Al Omran (NPR), and Clark Freifeld ( Each discussedRead… Read more »