Search Results for: cio

Sustainable Transportation: One Tonne Life Project

Here is a follow up to a post we made in October about the One Tonne Life project. As a quick refresher, One Tonne Life is a collaboration between Volvo, A-hus, and Vattenfall that is trying to find a way for a modern family to emit only one ton of CO2 per person per year,Read… Read more »

What you need to know about Unemployment (if you need it)

So… I’m hoping that none of you need to visit me at the office anytime soon – because that is not awesome. However, it’s better to face the beast prepared – so here’s what Federal Employees may want to know about filing for unemployment. BIG DISCLAIMER: Unemployment is a state program and it varies whereRead… Read more »

Federal Budget and Green Spending

The White House recently created this handy graphic to represent how various portions of the federal budget might be spent in 2011. Take a look at the bottom right hand corner, that’s where you’ll find federal funding into green technologies and other projects such as green transit initiatives. For a larger view, visit the WhiteRead… Read more »

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Articles I’m Digesting: Feb 28th, 2011

Been a while since I’ve done one of these. A surprising amount of reading getting done in my life despite a hectic schedule. In addition to the articles below, I recently finished Shirky’s Cognitive Surplus (solid read) and am almost done Kevin Kelly’s What Technology Wants, which, is blowing my mind. More on both soon,Read… Read more »


Every now and again I read something which resonates, something which sets the little alarm bells ringing and puts a big grin on my face. Put Feelings First on Fast Company is one of those articles – the link is to the online version and I read the offline version which is slightly different butRead… Read more »

Federal Cloud Computing Strategy Officially Launched

Federal CIO Vivek Kundra officially launched the Federal Cloud Computing Strategy today. While this is clearly not new news, the document does state the government’s position in a very succint manner. By using the cloud computing model for IT services, we will be able to reduce our data center infrastructure expenditure by approximately 30% (whichRead… Read more »

Greek Monks and Open Government #gov20 #opengov

Tweet Did the Greek Monks Destroy the Country or was it Lack of Government Transparency? Reviewing some of the older pieces on the true greek tragedy (in economic terms) and finally read through the whole of the great Vanity Fair article by Michael Lewis (“Beware of Greek s Bearing Bonds”). The detail in the articleRead… Read more »

Success Rule #11 – Smile

The smile is right up there with Rule Number 8, the firm handshake. A nice smile makes for a good first impression. It implies confidence; a positive attitude and openness . . . someone who is approachable, someone you would like to know and be around. For success you want people to see this inRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 25, 2011 (Government Shut-Down Preview Edition)

Gadi Ben-Yehuda The Government Shutdown and You(Tube): Andrea Di Maio published a peice titled “What if Government 1.0 Shut Down? Government 2.0 May Have To As Well,” a great read, as is the comment by Doug Hadden. Also, NextGov points to one difference between the last government shut-down and this year’s potential shut-down in itsRead… Read more »

Securing the Cloud @FedScoop CyberSecurity Summit

This panel featured some heavy hitters from government and industry. This was moderated by Suprotik Ghose, Principal CyberSecurity Strategist, Microsoft. Mike Krieger, CIO of the Army BG Steven Spano, Director of Communications, Air Combat Command, Langley AFB Responsible for operations and communications of 100k Airmen @ Air Combat Control Jeff Casazza, Director of Security, IntelRead… Read more »