Search Results for: Cloud

Is that data big or realtime? Classifying data correctly can make all the difference

Data comes in many different forms, and depending on the form of data, it can totally change its use. For example, realtime data has different applications than data not in realtime, same goes for big and small data. While speaking with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER, Tim Davies, a PhD student in the Web ScienceRead… Read more »

How GSA’s getting data anywhere, at anytime, the TSP’s Roth Option and Untangling Big Data

How GSA is getting data, anywhere, at anytime, the TSP’s Roth Option and Untangling Big Data by GovLoop Insights On the program today for April 23rd, 2012: We’re going to talk about what GSA is actually getting it right. Last week, I moderated a discussion about mobile technologies and how it is changing work. Ahead,Read… Read more »

FedRAMP 3PAO Program – Have we Heard of this Idea Before?

In a packed auditorium in 2006, I recall sitting in the “Red Auditorium” at NIST to participate in a workshop hosted by the Computer Security Division. The goal of the workshop was to discuss the implementation of Phase II of the FISMA Implementation Project. At the time, the Phase read like this: “The second phaseRead… Read more »

CTO Security Report

Anonymous (Photo credit: Schuilr) 3 Million Iranian Bank Accounts Disclosed Iranian ATM’s are dispensing PIN and Password changes instead of money this week following the public disclosure of three million bank account details by an Iranian security researcher. While the disclosure of these accounts is unfortunate, what is more troubling is the process that ledRead… Read more »

New Social Media Site Announces New Search and Discovery Features is a new capability designed to help make Twitter better serve several niches of the community. TwitChimp makes it easy for experts on any topic to create curated lists of Twitter accounts to follow. These lists are then made easy to discover, which helps those seeking producers of relevant content. Although Twitchimp is stillRead… Read more »

SharePoint Disaster Recovery – Oxymoron?

I know I’m going to get a lot of flack for this post. I’m sorry, I just can’t sit by watch companies throw away hundreds, or even thousands of dollars every month. I just received an announcement for a webinar on ‘SharePoint Disaster Recovery’ (DR). Forgive me, but Isn’t that an oxymoron? Google Sites, whichRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: April 20, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Live from Brasilia. Alex Howard has been writing (and recording video) from the Open Government Partnership confab in Brasilia. For those of us who could not make it, he’s helpfully posting all his media in one place. Yet more on mobile and BYOD. Michael Hardy writes an article asking if BYOD is “trendRead… Read more »

Building a shared services model in local government

Declining local government budgets drive a need for innovative solutions to reduce operating costs Local government budgets for municipalities, cities and townships are shrinking at a staggering pace. Declining property and business tax revenues are impacting local governments ability to provide basic services to the public. As a result, budget planning directors and business analystsRead… Read more »

Red Sky Alliance and Collaborative Cyber Sharing: It’s good to give, but it’s better to receive!

Editor’s note: This guest post from JeffStutzman of the Red Sky Alliance provides context on a topic of tremendous interest in the community, collaborative cyber security information sharing. – bg Government sponsored hackers, advanced cyber criminals, and even unskilled hactivists operate with relative ease against our information systems because of the sophistication of new toolsRead… Read more »