Search Results for: cio

Green Building at SAP Labs in Palo Alto

Low voltage lighting, software that tracks and compiles lighting needs over time, energy efficient servers, electric vehicle charging stations, the list goes on and on. Watch this video and you’ll get a great tour of SAP labs in Palo Alto, CA. Share this article! Original post

Your Social Business Maturity Level

I was looking at my RSS feeds earlier and came across an excellent post by Jeremiah Owyang – The Web Strategist. The post is called Spend wisely – finally an investment roadmap for social business buyers. The main thing I loved about the post was this one side maturity assessment, which could be used inRead… Read more »

How I Roll: Ideation

I’d like to peel back the curtain a bit on how I do about producing ideas. As I tend to be a creature of habit, I tend to participate in certain rituals that result in new projects, new writing or new directions for existing efforts. I make the act of Ideation a pretty enjoyable habitRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

What are the risks of starting an internal community without thinking through effective community management? [Quora]

The question on Quora is expanded to ask: When launching an internal community platform, it’s often quite tempting to get lost in the technology implementation. Now it’s definitely quite important to provide an attractive first release of collabware, but what role does community management play in making the roll out effective? Or is community managementRead… Read more »

Ressler’s Rule #12:” He who controls the budget, controls the organization”

Ressler’s Rule #12:” He who controls the budget, controls the organization” It has been said that an army travels on its’ stomach but modern organizations travel on a highway of crisp dollar bills. How those dollars are apportioned and spent determines much of the effectiveness of the organization. Without regard to whether the organization isRead… Read more »

Renewable Energy Powers P&G Factory

Environmental Leader tipped us off to the recent wind turbine installation at a Proctor & Gamble plant in The Netherlands. The turbine will supply 17% of the factory’s energy needs, according to the video. P&G says their ultimate goal is to power their facilities with 100% renewable power, and this is certainly a compelling wayRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Be A Saint to the Environment this St. Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is big business…and it has a big impact on our environment. They say that 36 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are sold each year, and the holiday takes the #1 spot for fresh flower purchases, with around a billion valentines sent out each year. Those billion cards, if you were to lay themRead… Read more »

Project of Week – NYC Simplicity Idea Market – Virtual Suggestion Box for Employees

I’m a big fan of the use of ideation in government to bring innovation both within agencies by employees and with citizens. Last year, the Obama administration hosted a series of dialogues on Open Government with each agency and cities from Austin to Santa Cruz have used dialogues to get ideas from citizens on howRead… Read more »

Sartor et al. on Approaches to Legal Ontologies: Theories, Domains, Methodologies

Approaches to Legal Ontologies: Theories, Domains, Methodologies (Springer 2011), a collection of scholarly articles on legal ontologies, has been published. The volume is edited by Professor Dr. Giovanni Sartor of Università di Bologna CIRSFID, Professor Dr. Pompeu Casanovas of the Institute of Law & Technology (IDT) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Maria AngelaRead… Read more »