Search Results for: cio

Green Facilities: Learning from Manufacturing

Often times green building tips come from unlikely sources. So while most folks who read this blog probably have little to with making snack foods, the innovation on display in this video of a Shearer’s plant could still inspire retrofits of many other buildings. From waste heat reuse to efficient lighting, this plant has goneRead… Read more »

The problem with the UBB debate

I reley dont wan to say this, but I have to now. This debate isso esey! Really, it is. The back and forth for and against UBB has – for me – sadly so missed the mark on the real issue it is beyond frustrating. It’s been nice to see a voice or two likeRead… Read more »

CTOs: Provide your inputs on how the government will implementing cloud computing constructs

Our nation’s technologists have always come to the aide of their nation. There are many great exemplars in this domain. two of my personal favorites are: Edwin Land, inventor famous for his work on consumer cameras but also a key designer of reconnaissance systems (including the U2). Frederick Terman, the thinker most responsible for creatingRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Green IT – What’s Next?

Greener Computing recently published an article about what to expect from the green IT sector in 2011. Of course specific predictions are difficult, but the graph at right shows you where Greener Computing and Forrester Research think the green IT sector is at the moment. As you can see, if past cycles continue into theRead… Read more »

New Calif. policy puts department heads on hook for IT purchases

The state of California is trying to build more accountability into their information technology purchases. In a policy letter, circulated by the newly renamed California Technology Agency, department-level directors will have to personally certify IT products and services previously approved at lower levels. According to IT Policy Letter (ITPL) 11-01, Department Directors will have toRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Renewable Energy Possibilites as Shown by Solar Mapping

Solar maps are becoming an increasingly useful – and more widely used – tool for solar system installers, city planners and building managers alike. A quality solar map can help determine payback periods, development locations and system scales. These, and many other reasons, made the environmental engineers at UCSD catch our eye. They’ve developed aRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Career

What do you think?

We value feedback on your experience with the CG-LIMS Acquisition Strategy wiki at When we established the wiki, we committed to assessing its usefulness after three months. Your input is an important part of deciding what to do with the wiki after 9 February 2011. Your feedback is also valuable for the group workingRead… Read more »

Encrypting Your Life: Tools and Tips

Image via Wikipedia I carry my smartphone with me everywhere. It does everything from Facebook and email to keeping me in the loop with SMS, instant messaging, and real, live phone calls. There’s just one problem — what happens if my cell phone is stolen and I can’t remote wipe it? What happens if I’mRead… Read more »


Every revolution, every movement, every policy, every strategy has its backlash moment. This is the social media backlash. However, in a clear reflection of the way the world currently is, the backlash is not coming from mainstream traditional media. It’s coming from within. Within the space of 3 days, 4 people mentioned the book TheRead… Read more »

“Accessing Legal Information” Roundtable @ A2K Global Academy Workshop

A report on the roundtable on Accessing Legal Information, at the Access to Knowledge Global Academy Workshop, held 18-19 January 2011 at the University of Cape Town in Cape Town, South Africa, has been posted by Jake Gardener at the Yale Information Society Project. According to the report, the panelists were Mariya Badeva-Bright, Tom BruceRead… Read more »