Search Results for: research

Loss of Trust and the Role of Government

A record 84 percent of Americans say they disapprove of the way the Congress is doing its job compared with just 13 percent who approve of how things are going, according to a Washington Post/ABC News public opinion poll published on Monday.Research has shown that a primary reason for low approval ratings is that mostRead… Read more »

Building the Better Burger: Cover Letters

We’ve done all the necessary preparation and have our philosophy of building the better burger. Here’s the structure I suggest for your cover letter (and I like using block paragraph format–saves space and looks cleaner): Your street address (notice your name is not here) Your City, State and Zip [one space] Date [one space] ContactsRead… Read more »

To Dream is to Question

More research indicating that our inner capabilities for perception, understanding, and imagination are not three separate activities in our brains – but rather an intertwined set of abilities directed at prediction. We have an efficiency unmatched by any computer: we notice and process only that information about our world that does not match our predictiveRead… Read more »

Better Solar Cells and Batteries from Particle-free Silver Ink?

Photo via S. Brett Walker at UofI What is particle-free silver ink, and why should you care about it? A researcher at the University of Illinois, Jennifer Lewis, and a graduate student, S. Brett Walker have developed a new particle-free silver ink. This is the kind of ink that transmits electrical current, so it hasRead… Read more »

Want contributions? Reach out to the socially connected tech community.

Http://LeonardSipes.Com This site is dedicated to government, associations and nonprofits and nothing stirs the soul of people in the latter two categories than fundraising; money moves public policy far more than ideology. The research below from Pew Internet is based on charitable giving during emergencies. Charitable donations from mobile phones have grown more common inRead… Read more »

Recapping this year’s eHealth Initiative (eHI) Annual Conference

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. The eHealth Initiative (eHI) Annual Conference, held this week in Washington, D.C., brought together an array of health professionals, from practicing physicians and cardiologists to American Heart Association (AHA) directors, to vendors looking to broaden their reach in the public and private health care environment. This year’s conference theme, “Cancer,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

How Would a Federal Agency “Protest Proof” an RFP?

Although protests are relatively a small percentage of contract actions, they are on the rise. For contract actions of significant amount, they are almost assured in this budgetary environment. Case in point is CH2M Hill Antarctic Support, Inc. recently protesting a $2 billion contract won by Lockheed Martin Corp. to support the U.S. Antarctic ResearchRead… Read more »

Leadership and Entrepreneurship

Leaders need to be Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are creators. They work with little structure or resources. They see opportunity and have the internal drive and resourcefulness to make it reality. A Leader will benefit from developing entrepreneurial skills such as identifying new areas for development, initiating new projects, spotting opportunities, and encouraging managers to create newRead… Read more »

2011 in Cybersecurity

2011 was a watershed year for cybersecurity, but it was evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Political hacking, industrial skullduggery, drones gone wild, and mobile malware all made 2011 a year, to borrow CrucialPoint amigo Matt Devost‘s phrase (since I’m already borrowing his image for the post graphic, why not?), to live cyberdangerously. The Rise of theRead… Read more »