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Hacking the hacktivist: The inside scoop on how Anonymous works

Hacking the hacktivist: The inside scoop on how Anonymous works by GovLoop Insights 2011 may very well be the year of Anonymous — the hactivist group took down the Justice Department website, Stratfor, mastercard, defense contractor Vanguard and even the Vatican. Their reach is impressive…and even more so when you consider how Anonymous runs. TheRead… Read more »

Into the Unknown: What an Anonymous attack looks like

Hacktivist collective Anonymous has been a persistent pain to government agencies and private companies alike for the past few years; after a 2011 full of attacks, that trend doesn’t appear to be slowing. To learn more about how Anonymous works, we spoke with Rob Rachwald, Director of Security Strategy at Imperva. Attacks by Anonymous areRead… Read more »

The Importance of Preserving Institutional Knowledge in the Public Sector

One of the important steps that an organization can take is improving its knowledge management programs. Knowledge management can be used to describe numerous initiatives, but the central goal is to preserve institutional knowledge. Organizations have taken different approaches to knowledge management, by either using a high level software service or other low cost initiativesRead… Read more »

Top 10 Benefits of GIS Technology

There is so much that you can do with a GIS technology, the most common example is making layers with data showing all sorts of different variables of a community to help inform decision makers and inform the public. For example, my hometown of Syracuse could really use (and publicize) housing information. A useful applicationRead… Read more »

Overcoming Obstacles to Social Media Use in Government

Participants in the Government Social Media Class offered by Digital Government University’s recently compiled a list of common arguments they’ve heard against the use of social media in government. How do you counter–firmly, but politely–these arguments? Are there any others that you encounter and have had to defend against? Please respond to these and addRead… Read more »

The polarizing power of open government — could ambiguity be the culprit?

Take out your shades because its Sunshine week. The annual event is aimed at making the government more open and transparent. But what does it mean to be open and transparent? The terms are a bit ambiguous…and we all know ambiguity can be polarizing…especially in politics. So we set out to get some clarity onRead… Read more » get’s a makeover…what’s different? goes live…again. The eRulemaking Program team says this update is the first installment in a series of website developments scheduled for this year. The substantial redesign aims to effectively relaunch the site to meet the goals in the President’s Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review Executive Order. John Moses is the Director at EPA’s CollectionRead… Read more »

Decrypting Open Government, gets a Makeover and What Innovators DON’T say

Decrypting Open Government, gets a Makeover and What Innovators DON’T say by GovLoop Insights So do you have an elevator pitch for your organization’s mission? Could you do it in one minute? Can you make strategy fun? Dave McClure, the associate administrator of GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technology, has created aRead… Read more »

The Digital Age Pressures Courts to get with the Times

Technology and the courts are clashing in a big way. At the same time that we see court systems trying to take advantage of technology to increase transparency, we also see that same technology eroding the process. Karen Eltis, a professor at the University of Ottawa Law School and author of Courts, Litigants and theRead… Read more »