Search Results for: cio

Canada ranks last in freedom of information

For those who missed it over the weekend it turns out Canada ranks last in freedom of information study that looked at the world’s western Parliamentary democracies. What makes it all the more astounding is that a decade ago Canada was considered a leader. Consider two from the Information Commissioner, Suzanne Legault quotes pulled fromRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


WikiLeak Proof

Originally published on 10 Dec 2010 at ECM Gov Blog. The latest WikiLeaks release and subsequent media storm has caused me to think about the role that ECM plays in content security. When all of our records were on paper, they were easily lost, compromised, copied, and destroyed. However, in the digital age, when weRead… Read more »

Wondering if you’re getting, using the same real-time data feeds you’re providing publicly

After far too long, my “Data Dynamite: unleash information to transform our world” book is finally in the editing stages, and should be released as an e-book later this winter. One of the key points is that we need to think holistically about data (especially tagged data), so that there are unified strategies for internallyRead… Read more »

Most Popular Posts of 2010

Some people have asked me, what were the 10 most viewed posts from last year? Well here as posts that were written last year in order of popularity (excluding static pages and the homepage): Case Study: How Open data saved Canada $3.2 Billion Learning from Libraries: The Literacy Challenge of Open Data Why Old MediaRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Has a ‘WikiLeaks Wave’ Crashed into Your Agency?

It looks like the WikiLeaks fiasco has generated something akin to a security tsunami, crashing into agencies and forcing them to take a closer look at their information protection protocols. Ed O’Keefe at the Washington Post shares some perspective in this post: WikiLeaks prompts government to order detailed security reviews Ed explains: The WikiLeaks sagaRead… Read more »

Making StatsCan Data Free: Assessing the Cost

Regular readers of my blog will know that I’ve advocated that StatsCan’s data – and particularly its Census data – should be made open (e.g. free, unlicensed, and downloadable in multiple formats). Presently, despite the fact that Canadian tax dollars pay to collect (a sadly diminishing amount, and quality of,) data, it is not open.Read… Read more »

Welcome new NCDD members!

The National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation gained 74 great new members in the last few months: 67 individual members and 7 organizations. Please welcome the following new members to the network! If you’d like to connect with any of them, search for them in the NCDD members network to find their contact info andRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Hello 2011! Coding for America, speaking, open data and licenses readers – happy new year! Here’s a little but of an overview into how we are kicking off 2011/ Thank you First, if you are a regular reader…. thank you. has just entered its 4th year and it all keeps getting more and more rewarding. I write to organize my thoughts and refineRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Who Wants a Leadership Coach?

In a conversation with a colleague recently, we discussed the difference between needing and wanting. Needs are those things that are essential and important and, in truth, our needs are quite simple—food, shelter, water. With those basics met, we have everything we “need” to survive. Wants, on the other hand, are desires or wishes forRead… Read more »