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Las Vegas is famously the “Entertainment Capital of the World,” but the City of Las Vegas (CLV) recognizes that citizens and visitors demand more from a government than just good entertainment. Las Vegas’ recent suffering (the City nears the top of the list of cities most devastated by the economic crisis of recent) provides bothRead… Read more »

Is Telework a Critical Benefit?

As someone who teleworks full-time and considers it a non-negotiable benefit, it’s a topic near and dear to my heart. Across government it would seem the tide is shifting in favor of telework, yet many employees still find barriers from management perception to lengthy delays in implementation. What about you – is telework a benefitRead… Read more »

Could big data help prevent crimes?

Picture this, the police know a crime is about to happen before it even occurs. That’s the idea behind a new predictive policing strategy happening right now in the Santa Cruz police department. It sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, right? In fact it is, you might remember Tom Cruise’s Minority Report.Read… Read more »

Minnesota republicans propose personal accounts alternative to health insurance exchange

Republican lawmakers in the Minnesota statehouse are proposing a new alternative to health insurance exchanges – personal savings accounts. They call the plan a free-market alternative to proposals from Democratic Governor Mark Dayton and federal health care reform requirements. Under the terms of a newly proposed bill, individuals would have access to personal health premiumRead… Read more »

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How do you manage a department that might not be around in a year?

The clock is ticking on the Recovery, Accountability and Transparency Board’s run. The group’s who’s got the worst acronym in government, the RAT board, is tasked with tracking the recovery-related funds. It’s a very visible job. But there’s a another catch, the watchdog agency might close in year. Kathleen Tighe just took over as theRead… Read more »

The end of the RAT Board, Information Overload and Undercover CEO — all that and more!

The end of the RAT Board, Information Overload and Undercover CEO, all that and more! by GovLoop Insights Here is what we have for you today… There is a new chief watchdog at the Recovery, Accountability and Transparency Board. It’s a visible job. She takes over from Earl Devaney. And she has a tough taskRead… Read more »

Corner Office Disconnect: My Boss Doesn’t Get My Job At All

The above title is a common complaint heard all over offices across the globe. Of course, the boss and/or leader has to be a little different from the employee but there is a pretty big disconnect in empathy in today’s work world between the corner office and the cubicle. The DorobekINSIDER sat down with Dr.Read… Read more »

We Are Why The News Is All Crap – DorobekINSIDER interview with Clay Johnson

News is crap! Well maybe that’s taking it too far but really there are increasing better outlets to gather information from rather than traditional news. While we can point the finger at the news all we want some of the blame has to fall on us for what we choose to consume (looking at youRead… Read more »

Worms eye view of government…

You’ve probably heard the phrase a “birds eye view,” but what about “worms eye view?” It’s a new approach which takes problem solving solutions from the ground up. It’s the idea behind a new project calledFuse Corp. The idea is to pair entrepreneurs with government — and a government problem — in the hopes ofRead… Read more »

New challenge hopes twitter can catch crooks, Fuse Corp takes off, saying goodbye to a TSP Pioneer

New challenge hopes twitter can catch crooks, Fuse Corp takes off, saying goodbye to a TSP Pioneer by GovLoop Insights So… day two of GovLoop Insight’s DorobekINSIDER. Thanks so much for being here. Here is what we have for you today… * We all remember tag — we all played it as kids. But whatRead… Read more »