Search Results for: cio

Happy Holidays Open Gov: Making Prizes More Attractive to and Possible for the Federal Government

Prizes and competitions provide one way to stimulate innovation and tap “solver communities” that may not have been leveraged previously when considering some of our nation’s grand challenges. As I wrote this past summer, both on my featured jennovation series on Govloop and the Phase One Consulting Group Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog, thereRead… Read more »

The False choice: Bilingualism vs. Open Government (and accountability)

Last week a disturbing headline crossed my computer screen: B.C. RCMP zaps old news releases from its website 2,500 releases deleted because they weren’t translated into French 1) The worse of all possible outcomes This is a terrible outcome for accountability and open government. When we erase history we diminish accountability and erode our capacityRead… Read more »

The best moment in Canadian democracy in 2010?: the census debate

Over at Samara, my friend Alison Loat is asking people to answer the question “What was the best moment in Canadian democracy in 2010?” In what I think was a good decision, they’ve defined the terms pretty broadly, stating: The moment could be one that took place inside or outside of Parliament or other legislativeRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized


The Stress Doc’s “Top Ten Commandments” for Transforming Reorganizational Crisis: Generating the Four “R”s – Relief and Reflection, Rejuvenation and Recommitment – Part III

Part I introduced three necessary transition stress interventions for engaging an audience on “The Reorg Rag” ™, that is going through transitional crisis: 1) “Bring Your Inner Clint Eastwood” – demonstrate a readiness to empathically and assertively handle audience anger or angst, 2) “Warm Up and Cool Down the Audience” – through healing humor andRead… Read more »

The best gift you can give (or get): Feedback

Feedback is a gift.Think about it. If someone takes the time to share her perceptions of your work, your performance, that means she cares. She cares enough to take her time and energy to help you. It may not feel like a gift when you first get the feedback. Especially if it is negative. ButRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized


Best of 2010: 15 Fabulous Events

So as my frequent flier points show, I went to a lot of conferences this year, speaking on a ton of great panels and even keynoting in front of 1,000 people (that’s insane). In fact, the whole GovLoop team did…as Community Manager Andy K. did a ton of traveling himself and Megan coordinated over aRead… Read more »

Looking Back on my first social media program: Part II

I am currently a student at The Maxwell School at Syracuse University working towards my Masters in Public Administration. I use this blog to write about my experiences at Maxwell, especially related to social media use in the public sector. You can follow me on Twitter: @pjfiorenza and please feel free to leave some comments!Read… Read more »

What Governments can Learn about Citizen Engagement from Air Canada

Yes. You read that title right. Yes, airlines are not known for their customer responsiveness. Ask anyone whose been trapped on a plane on the tarmac for 14 hours. You know when Congress has to pass a customer bill of rights for your industry you’ve really dropped the ball. Air Canada, however, increasingly seems toRead… Read more »

Digital Divide is a poor choice of words

I have been thinking a lot about issues and cultural influencers contributing to the digital divide issues in America. I have mentioned certain aspects and manifestations of Digital divide in my previous blog posts here, here and here. One of the prevalent misunderstandings among policy makers regarding Digital Divide issues is that it is somehowRead… Read more »