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TSP, Game-Changer for Feds — What you need to know

After more than 25 years at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board — the group behind your Thrift Savings Plan — Tom Trabucco is stepping down. The 61 year old says, “working for the board has been the highlight of my federal career.” A career which includes time at the National Federation of Federal EmployeesRead… Read more »

GovLaunch – The Tag Challenge – Using Social Media to Solve Real-World Problems

Social media is a great thing. It helps us stay in touch with friends, spread the word about an upcoming party and so much more. The Tag-Challenge which will launch March 31 aims to find out just how much more social media can do in terms of solving real-life problems. Using a grant from theRead… Read more »

The First Cut is the Deepest? Maybe so for the DoD…

“The first cut is the deepest.” It’s a line from a Sheryl Crowe song, but it might as well be the tagline for the Defense Department. The Pentagon is facing a pretty austere environment over the next 10 years if sequestration goes through. The DoD will need to cut roughly 10% in the next 10Read… Read more »

CAP Goals – A New Government Acronym Is Born (Part 1)

CAP Goals with John Kamensky by cdorobek The FY 2013 budget includes a new acronym, “CAP Goals,” which stands for Cross-Agency Priority Goals. These goals stem from a new statutory requirement that the Office of Management and Budget identify and manage a small handful of cross-agency priority goals, covering both mission and mission-support functions. OMBRead… Read more »

6 Words & 4 Reasons I’m Excited about Introducing DorobekInsider

I’m excited to introduce our GovLoop Insights Dorobek Daily radio show launching today at noon. DoD Cuts, Leadership Challenges and More – DorobekINISIDER, episode 1 by GovLoop Insights For those that have been paying attention, this is an extension of our weekly Insights podcast we’ve been conducting for the past few months at EveryRead… Read more »

What is the Value of Coaching during these Times of Uncertainty?

Recently I’ve been reflecting on the value and importance of coaching and how it supports the development of leadership during the chaotic times in which we find ourselves. There is no question that government leaders today find their roles and responsibilities changing, and things that were once stable and enduring are no longer so. OneRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 01, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda It’s spring (meteorologically), when many people are thinking about getting engaged. By which I mean: citizen engagement, employee engagement, and engagement in and through social media. A Ladder or a Continuum. On the blog Bang the Table, Cripsin Butteriss dusts off his papers on citizen participation and shares Sherry R Arnstein’s “Ladder ofRead… Read more »

Rahm Emanuel Launches Chicago “Early College” STEM High Schools

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Rahm Emanuel, flanked with executives from five large technology companies, announced the formation of five innovative “early college STEM schools,” which are six-year high schools focused on preparing students for a modern, information-laden, tech-savvy future workforce. Students will also have the opportunity to be “first in line” for interviews withRead… Read more »

Leveraging Technology to Improve Organizational Efficiency and Operations

I’m planning on attending the Cisco Government Solutions Forum On March 21st at the Grand Hyatt Hotel (1000 H Street NW) and wanted to share the details with the GovLoop Community. I’ll be doing some live blogging as well, so if you aren’t in DC or can’t attend, keep an eye out for the liveRead… Read more »

Creating Networks that Work

CAP Goals with John Kamensky by cdorobek How will the 14 newly-designated cross-agency priority goal leaders organize to achieve the goals they’ve committed to achieve? There’s a practical guide book that can help. The President’s FY 2013 budget announced the first set of cross-agency priority goals – seven focus on mission-related goals such as doublingRead… Read more »