Search Results for: research

Carrier IQ Invades Privacy

Android has been plagued by malware, security vulnerabilities, and now, privacy issues. It started with HTC’s logging application which over-zealously logged aspects of phone use in insecure ways which made that data accessible by any application, and more recently has come to a head with the discovery of the carrier IQ application. The Carrier IQRead… Read more »

FedInsider: Intel Community Operative Builds Electronic Crystal Ball

FedInsider: Intel Community Operative Builds Electronic Crystal Ball Deep in the intelligence community, a project seeks to build a model for detecting the future. Its goal is to someday give analysts a way of knowing what technologies are gestating in labs and research houses. If analysts knew which ones would emerge as successful products, suchRead… Read more »

Register for 16 Dec webinar on what the CIO and CTO need to know about developing secure code

On Friday, December 16th, 2011, will host a webinar featuring one of the great champions of secure code, Mr. Michael Howard. For more information and to register for this event see: More on the webinar: is pleased to announce a special opportunity to interact with Mr. Michael Howard, author of the SecurityRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Career

Dealing with Fear and Uncertainty in Government

Welcome to the new GovLoop bi-weekly blog on issues relating to the intersection of leadership and executive coaching in government. Let me first introduce myself. I’m Lee Salmon, a certified executive coach, who worked in three federal government agencies for 22 years until last year when I retired ( ). During my last ten yearsRead… Read more »

Enterprise I.T. Strategy and Governance Vacuum

Over the past two years I’ve been observing the dialog within the SharePoint community around governance. There are hints that the community is evolving as several people are now discussing the role of business in governance. This discussion was missing during initial treatments of the topic at conferences I attended. It was emblematic of theRead… Read more »

Enterprise I.T. Strategy and Governance Vacuum

Over the past two years I’ve been observing the dialog within the SharePoint community around governance. There are hints that the community is evolving as several people are now discussing the role of business in governance. This discussion was missing during initial treatments of the topic at conferences I attended. It was emblematic of theRead… Read more »

Crying “Cyber Attack” in Illinois

Earlier this month, a pump burned out mysteriously at a water plant in Springfield, Illinois. Log data traced the problem back several months to a command from an IP address in Russia that forced the pump to turn on and off repeatedly until it broke. When this news was leaked to the media from aRead… Read more »

Towards a More Agile Government: The Case for Rebooting Federal IT Procurement

Like many government computer systems, the U.S. federal information technology (IT) procurement model is slow, outdated, and long overdue for a reboot. 1 As the largest single purchaser of code, 2 in fiscal year (FY) 2010 the Federal Government spent more than $77.1 billion on IT procurement, and that number is projected to grow higherRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Goodbye Filing Cabinets, Hello Digital Archives

The Washington Post reported this week that President Obama issued an order to agencies, asking them to utilize digital record keeping systems. As of right now, much of the filing that is being done “is based on an outdated approach involving paper and filing cabinets,” but Obama wants to “move the process into the digitalRead… Read more »

Are engaged and loyal audiences realistic goals for social media?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Well that sounds like a silly question. But it goes to the heart of what social media really is. It’s causing many to drop out of social media efforts. I read articles from the best and brightest in social media and I’m constantly being told that I need a loyal audience of engaged fansRead… Read more »