Search Results for: Cloud

Mapping Your Path to the Cloud

There’s no denying that cloud computing is transforming the way government agencies consume information, deliver services and carry out their unique missions. Over the past few years, agencies have gradually shifted from owning the hardware and software that support these functions to buying access to IT infrastructure and applications as a service. Early adopters ofRead… Read more »

Mapping Government’s Journey to the Cloud: 8 Success Stories

For agencies that have embraced cloud computing, the ability to buy access to software and hardware as a service has and continues to transform the way government operates. But as the U.S. General Services Administration has noted, “the customer journey down the path [to cloud] can be fraught with lack of information, and there are aRead… Read more »

The Secret to Faster App Dev and Cloud Migration – Secure, Virtual Data

Government agencies around the world are under internal and external pressure to move faster while becoming more efficient in day-to-day operations. Despite efforts to automate processes and improve approaches to software development, many agencies have struggled to enable transformation in their core areas of operation. At the root of this challenge is the complex andRead… Read more »

Training – Online

Filed under: Uncategorized

A Guide to Cloud Success

This 30-minute course is designed to get you up to speed on Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) cloud offerings. We’ll be discussing cloud computing and how your public sector organization can best use the cloud to provide information and reach new horizons for citizens services and mission critical agency efforts. By taking this course, you will be enrolledRead… Read more »

An Agency’s Journey to the Cloud

There is no doubt that cloud computing has transformed the business of government. Everything from the way you send email, to the way you get your paycheck, to how you log in to your computer from home has been impacted by cloud computing. But the road to cloud adoption can still be difficult for agencies.Read… Read more »

Training – In Person

Filed under: Cloud

Cloud as a Financial Model

It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No, it’s cloud. Cloud has been a buzzword in the technology world for a while now. So, what is cloud? Simply put, cloud is a style of computing that can scale IT-related capabilities as a service, and it’s used in many places today, including the government. Though it’s becomeRead… Read more »

Cloud as a Financial Model

Five years ago cloud was a buzzword. Today, cloud is part of the way government works. It’s embedded into the system. However, the road to full cloud business integration is not seamless. There are major challenges and hurdles that agencies face when trying to make cloud a strategic business asset. Join the on-demand training whereRead… Read more »

Training – Online

Filed under: Cloud, Tech