Search Results for: personal brand

“Social Media” is SO 2009! 7 Proposed Semantic Upgrades

At the risk of inspiring unresolvable semantic discussions, this post addresses seven Digital Era terms that should probably be replaced and/or removed from the lexicon and suggests both existing and new alternative terminology to use in their place. What other proposed changes would you make? ===//=== I generally try to avoid semantic arguments. Having clarityRead… Read more »

TubeRank helps reduce the risks in creating viral government content

Viral content – content which gets shared across the internet and media very quickly (like a virus) – is often a controversial area of communication for organisations. While the approach can result in massive attention and awareness it can also lead to massive risks. What if the content doesn’t go viral, wasting your investment? (LikeRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

A counterpoint & follow-up to my post on: Should government agencies & councils be entitled to ban people from their social media channels?

Yesterday I blogged about Should government agencies & councils be entitled to ban people from their social media channels? The example I used related to a Twitter conversation I’d had with Peter Hinton, who had been blocked from Parramatta City Council’s Twitter account. As a Parramatta council resident and rate-payer he was concerned at hisRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Government, Take Notice: Google+ Overtakes Twitter as 2nd Most Used Social Media

Google+ has gotten a reputation for being a barren wasteland devoid of active users, but according to a new GlobalWebIndex report, Google+ has overtaken Twitter as the 2nd most used social media platform in the world after Facebook. This was a big shock to me, so I did some exploring. When you look into theRead… Read more »

Eight business models for government open data

Alex Howard has written an excellent article over at the O’Reilly Radar listing eight business models for government open data, a handy list for those in government agencies attempting to justify to senior management or Ministers why releasing government data is important and valuable. The models listed in Alex’s article, Open data economy: Eight businessRead… Read more »

Online Social Learning Communities: Necessary but not Sufficient

As the Digital Era progresses, professionals at all levels and career stages need to develop and maintain a core set of digital competencies. These competencies can be developed informally, through online social learning communities, but they must also be developed through formal education and training programs. Academic and other organizational leaders must recognize that itRead… Read more »

How to Grow Your Business Development Capability

When you are a small business or a brand new department in a larger company, you might start as one person who is responsible for winning government contracts. This is not a problem—you can join the ranks of many who have started at one point or another and are still the only one writing proposals,Read… Read more »

A Primer For Local Government Officials Who Want To Jump Start Economic Development

Any easy way to grasp “how to jump start local economic development” is to understand that every community across America {except where the sale of liquor is prohibited by a municipal law or County ordinance} has three types of bars? There are trendy upscale bars – the nightclubs, supper clubs and ethnic pubs. Places whereRead… Read more »

USA Networks on Twitter is a Case Study in How Big Organizations Should Engage Average Stakeholders

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Over the weekend, I watched a USA Networks made-for-TV movie called Over/Under. It was terrible. Don’t get me wrong, I love the programming on USA. My two favorites right now are probably Suits and White Collar, but I have watched most of what they’ve put on the air in theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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What the NRA Should Have Said

Dear Mr. LaPierre, I’m writing this open letter as a concerned citizen and interested observer to provide some sound public/media relations advice and analysis. The reason is because the NRA has shot itself in the foot yet again from a public relations (PR) perspective — and, no less, during the heart of the holiday season.Read… Read more »