Search Results for: research

Understanding Open Season in Government: What Exactly is Open Season?

It’s officially Open Season, and it’s time to review your health care plan and determine if is still meeting your needs. What exactly is Open Season and why is it important? We want to shed some light on this time of year by giving you the in’s and out’s of Open Season. To start ourRead… Read more »

GovBytes: How Much Energy Are You Wasting?

According to an article in GovTech, researchers at MIT have found a way to utilize thermal imaging in order to quantify how much energy is being wasted in buildings. This data can be used to help show the public ways to save both power and money on their electric bills. “A roadside scan of aRead… Read more »

The Decision to Trust Model

Last week, I posted some questions I had about creating organizational trust. Trust has been on my mind lately because of my research in complexity leadership, innovation, and culture change. A common theme in all these fields is building trust. Well, I don’t believe you can directly build trust. I believe it emerges from theRead… Read more »

Fixmo And Mobile Risk Management For Enterprise and Government Agencies

Editor’s note: As a disclaimer, editor in chief Bob Gourley is an advisor to Fixmo. So take that into account when reading this exciting news. The critical importance of mobile risk management (MRM) is a topic of high interest to almost all enterprises. Fixmo is a firm with solutions that directly address needs inRead… Read more »

Workshifting – Workplace as a Service

Workshfting is a term used by Citrix to describe the fluid movement of your workspace (projects, documents etc.) across the multiple modes and devices you have: Laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. For example you work on your home PC and then travel to a client site, meaning you’re mobile for some time and then within aRead… Read more »

Training Resource to Hurdle the Tech Expertise Challenge

Agencies Mobile Gov efforts need the right technical expertise to build useful products for the public. Makes sense that agencies might think about training to build some in-house tech expertise. [ht to Sam Bronson] Stanford University–you know that school/high tech incubator on the West Coast–has rolled out a free version of it’s web app developmentRead… Read more »

Security Development Lifecycle Webinar with Michael Howard

On Friday, December 16th, 2011, will host a webinar featuring one of the great champions of secure code, Mr. Michael Howard. For more information and to register for this event see: More on the webinar: is pleased to announce a special opportunity to interact with Mr. Michael Howard, author of the SecurityRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Career

Vision for health insurance exchange design gets a little clearer

Deltek Analyst Amanda White reports. The inaugural Health Insurance Exchange Congress conference, hosted by the Institute for International Research (IIR) USA on November 9-11, 2011 offered considerable insight on the roles and functionality insurance exchange systems should provide to consumers. Anita Murcko, MD, and partner with Cambiare, LLC, identified three fundamental components of exchanges: aRead… Read more »

What is the future of social media at the U.S. National Archives?

What’s the future of social media? The National Archives hosted a discussion of that rather big question earlier this month. After an introduction from the Archivist of the US and a presentation on an upcoming “citizen archivist dashboard,” I gave a short presentation at the McGowan Theater in which I talked about the past, presentRead… Read more »

Emergencies and Social Media: A Problem in Need of Solutions

Http://leonardSipes.Com I recently wrote which addressed the potential for hundreds of thousands of social media posts during an emergency. This is not my first article on the subject and I have personally administered the public affairs response to scores of major incidents. Please let me make one thing clear from the beginning; I loveRead… Read more »