Search Results for: research

Controlled Unclassified Information(CUI): The CUI Registry is out!

On November 4, 2011, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) released the first-ever registry for Controlled Unclassified Information(CUI) for records that are not classified as top secret or secret, but require some protection. The release of this registry meets one of the first targets of President Obama’s Executive Order on Controlled Unclassified Information. AlthoughRead… Read more »

Video Killed the Network’s Performance

Originally posted to Blue Coat’s federal blog, Blue Print. Authored by Grant Asplund You know your employees are doing it; sitting there, at their desks, watching videos and devouring your network’s bandwidth. Currently Cisco estimates that video accounts for 20-50 percent of traffic on networks, but anticipates that as more and more agencies utilize videoRead… Read more »

Translating Business to Enterprise Architecture: Methodology Activity #2

Capabilities from this context are the “what do we need to be able to do” to enable the strategy. This requires more thought than just saying we need the capability to collaborate. Collaborate by itself is just an activty with no context. If we add a software application associated with collaboration we’re still not talkingRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Top Five Nominees For The Government Big Data Solutions Award

Governments (local, State, Federal, International) need more agility. This is especially true in the domain of Information Technology. Information technology is one of the fastest moving industries, but the government is slow at adopting and procuring new technology, including the technology that would make it more agile and adaptive. There are things we can doRead… Read more »

Federal Jobs By Major – Cool List

I get this question asked a lot – what federal jobs should apply for by major? Cool list by USAJOBS Federal Employment Information Fact Sheets: Federal Jobs By College Major Help Download the PDF file To help you choose the right career field, we have prepared the following table that groups Federal jobs thatRead… Read more »

Transforming American Governance

Despite tottering like a third-world country on the edge of default, the nation reached a deficit agreement in the nick of time. But our nation still faces a large – and growing – long-term fiscal imbalance driven by an aging population, which will dramatically increase health care and retirement costs. National Journal pundit, Charlie Cook,Read… Read more »

Hadoop World Breakout Sessions 8 and 9 Nov: Recommendations for the enterprise CTO

Hadoop World 2011 is upon us. Once again the community, with the consistent/polite/leading/persistent coordination of Cloudera, has built a great agenda with the right speakers and great attendees for what is now the “must attend” Big Data event. For those who are attending, I can’t wait to see you there. We are going to beRead… Read more »

Why Parents Help Children Violate Facebook Age Rules

danah boyd (Cambridge, MA) — “At what age should I let my child join Facebook?” This is a question that countless parents have asked my collaborators and me. Often, it’s followed by the following: “I know that 13 is the minimum age to join Facebook, but is it really so bad that my 12-year-old isRead… Read more »

Launching Accessibility Resource Center

Government buyers can now use the Accessibility Resource Center to find accessibility information on the product or service they intended to buy. The Accessibility Resource Center contains an alphabetic list of many company websites with links to their product and service accessibility information, including VPATs when available. Many of these companies participate in the BuyAccessibleRead… Read more »

Social reporting through the social silicon valleys

First published at Social Reporters. As we’re preparing for our innovation camp, we’ve been reflecting on how we can stimulate collaboration between entrepreneurs, students andcommunities. Having just seen the impressive Civicrowd being used in South Holland (to my surprise, it’s in England) developed by @davebriggs and it provoked a couple of thoughts as I wasRead… Read more »