Search Results for: Cloud

An Analysis of A NASA Dbase Hack-and-Dump

This is just another in a long string of NASA security breaches [Editor’s note: this analysis predates any official announcements by NASA] Recently, some news of a NASA hack-and-dump passed my twitter deck. I decided after watching a few of my friends re-tweet the news that it might be worth checking out. At least I’dRead… Read more »

Deltek Pulse: justice, public safety and homeland security January review

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. This year is already off to a strong start for justice and public safety procurement. After a slow November and December, procurement departments across the country entered 2012 with refocused attention on the market. While the actual number of solicitations released decreased from December, several RFPs hit the street inRead… Read more »

Don’t Mess with My Outlook!

People hate change – it’s hard-wired into our lizard brains. Change is unpredictable, potentially life threatening. Which explains why you’re afraid to try Google Apps. You’ve spent years getting to know Outlook. GMail might kill you! Okay, so the whole life preservation thing may be a little out of proportion. But still, you like Outlook?Read… Read more »

Trickle Up Techonomics: When Frontline Folks Lead the Leaders

For the past few weeks, GovLoop has been teaming up with former Federal News Radio host and thought leader Chris Dorobek (DorobekInsider) to produce a weekly podcast that is one part “week that was” in the news and one-part interviews with people making the news. We call it “GovLoop Insights” and I always get aRead… Read more »

Live-Blogging Tech@State: Nerds Talking to Nerds

Last one! The closing keynote speaker was David Weinberger, author of Too Big to Know. Great speaker on a complex topic. I hope I do him justice here… if anyone else heard and wants to jump in, please do! Weinberger argues that in the olden days, facts used to be separable bits of knowledge (think:Read… Read more »

Live-Blogging Tech@State: Ignite Sessions

Clay Johnson, author of “Information Diet.” The U.S. started with a constituent to representative ratio of 60,000:1 and is now somewhere over 700,000:1. There will be a crisis if government can’t take the huge and growing amount of information from people and interpret it and use it in an effective way. With more and moreRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 03, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Gov 2.Overseas! Across the Pond. Alex Howard covers the release of GOV.UK, which in time is slated to be a single portal through which Brits can access all government agencies and, in Alex’s words, “aims [to] deliver[] faster digital services to citizens through a much improved user interface at decreased cost.” Importantly, andRead… Read more »

Interesting elsewhere – 3 February 2012

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web Top Ten Tips from Mobile Web Experts – Forbes Don’t just scale down your desktop site and try to squeeze as much as you can into the little screen. Use the mobile development process to prune your offerings to the most essential. The next step |Read… Read more »

Department of Commerce CIO Dr. Szykman Speaks at ITPA Luncheon

Today I had the opportunity to attended a luncheon by ITPA (Independent Telecommunications Pioneer Association). The luncheon featured Dr. Simon Szykman, Chief Information Officer at the Department of Commerce. Quickly, here are the topics he touched on at the Department of Commerce: Cybersecurity – Department of Commerce has made great strides in improving cybersecurity effortsRead… Read more »