Search Results for: research

“How did I hire so many people who have no ideas?”

The above Dilbert strip unfortunately is true of so many places that I have worked for. Time and time again I would see expensive consultants hired to improve operations, when employees themselves had many great ideas that were ignored. As reported in the Wall Street Journal research by Alan G. Robinson, a professor at theRead… Read more »

How is Your Communications Area Organized?

Jina Gaines of the City of Virginia Beach is doing some research into how government communications departments are structured. Her questions are below. Which communications structure does your organization subscribe to (centralized vs. decentralized)? By centralized I mean there is coordinated messaging from a department of communication/public affairs office and within that department/office there areRead… Read more »

Casellas, Vallbé, and Bruce: From Legal Information to Open Legal Data: A Case Study in U.S. Federal Legal Information

Núria Casellas, Joan-Josep Vallbé, and Thomas R. Bruce — a member of our community — all of the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School, will present a paper entitled From Legal Information to Open Legal Data: A Case Study in U.S. Federal Legal Information, at OGK 2011: The AAAI Fall Symposium on OpenRead… Read more »

Open 311 for the lost generation?

We often talk about how we can empower digital entrepreneurs/developers/geeks, etc to develop the new apps to support our communities or transform our services, but like any change in culture of how we interact between councils and local people with skills, it can take time…even a generation. We have @hubmum‘s excellent “Coding for Kids” initiative,Read… Read more »

Myths and realities of cloud security

Whenever the topic of cloud computing comes up, cloud security isn’t far behind. Survey after survey has shown it to be a top CIO concern, but how much of that concern is legitimate? CTOvision’s Bob Gourley and Tom Reilly, Vice President and General Manger of Enterprise Security at HP separated myth from reality on cloudRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

5 Things I’ve Learned about Online Engagement from Strip Bloggers

I have a core set of about 4 bloggers I read every day. And over the last 3 years, I’ve learned heaps and heaps about engaging online from these bloggers. These bloggers share pretty much everything about their lives with their audiences and in turn the community they build. They share details such as whereRead… Read more »

More Data on Feds Use of Social Media

The study, Social Media in the Public Sector, created by Market Connections, continues to yield interesting data. We’ve previously talked about the increasing use of mobile devices in the federal government, and many of us know just how much overall use of social media has expanded over the last year, but now we’re finding outRead… Read more »

Organizing the Commons

My colleague, Gadi Ben-Yehuda, is deep into a discussion about using hashtags on Twitter and of strategies for broadcasting to certain audiences. His use of certain terms raised a few hackles, and he asked me to share my thoughts. Once I reviewed the conversation, I have to agree with the Tribe of the Raised Hackles.Read… Read more »

A girl walks into a shop….

In the midst of a meeting with one of our sections yesterday I had an interesting conversation. The meeting consisted of some people who work with service users. I wont tell you which one, it’s not relevant and it’s not fair. But in this meeting there were two very digitally literate people and two notRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Is social media really social?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com The debate is whether social media is a conversation or a one way form of communication. I argue that it’s a matter of quality versus quantity. Responding to Comments–Three Cases: I did a presentation on social media before leadership of a federal government agency. There was a point where we discussed the logistics ofRead… Read more »