Search Results for: research

OSS Procurement FAQ: Part 1

This is part 1 of a recurring series regarding some frequently asked questions on procuring open source software in government. Check back weekly for new installments here at At the Code for America Summit last week, I introduced to the assembled community of civic technologists and supporters the Civic Commons Legal and Procurement IssuesRead… Read more »

Government Agency Mobile Applications Leave Room for Improvement

The White Horse Digital Futures Group’s exclusive report provides feedback for 30 citizen-focused government mobile applications, plus mobile development guidelines helpful for public or private organizations. “The number of smartphone users in the U.S. is approaching the 100 million user mark. Government bears a responsibility to ensure… (they) use available resources effectively and produce betterRead… Read more »

Ohio receives awards for broadband plan

Chillicothe, Ohio is gaining national recognition for it’s regional broadband expansion plan. The plan is managed by local company Horizon Telcom and gained two awards for it’s innovation. The project is the Connecting Appalachia Middle-Mile Fiber Optic Network. The 2011 Innovation Award from the National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation was presented to theRead… Read more »

The State of Open Data 2011

What is the state of the open data movement? Yesterday, during my opening keynote at the Open Government Data Camp (held this year in Warsaw, Poland) I sought to follow up on my talk from last year’s conference. Here’s my take of where we are today (I’ll post/link to a video of the talk asRead… Read more »

ACUS Calls for Public Comment Software

Readers of the blog may find this post on the ACUS recommendations regarding public comment analysis software interesting. We spent 10 years researching the problem of mass email campaigns and built a variety of prototype solutions. Over 300 federal agency personnel attended workshops and focus groups during the decade-long design process. About $4 millionRead… Read more »

Innovation is tricky, literally …

I had the opportunity this week to spend a bit of time with Bill Eggers. Bill is the Global Director of Deloitte’s Public Sector practice, is the author of numerous books including If we can put a man on the moon: Getting big things done in government, and is (most importantly) a friend. Bill constantlyRead… Read more »

Social Media’s Role in Cost-Effective Digital Communications Wrap Up and Presentation Slides

This Wednesday I attended GovDelivery’s conference, Social Media’s Role in Cost-Effective Digital Communications at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington D.C. The event had attendees from across the federal government, and took attendees took away a lot of great lessons to bring back to their agencies. You can view all the great presentations here. BelowRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: Mapping the NIH’s Leadership DNA

Dr. Francis S. Collins is the director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), overseeing an institution that is the largest supporter of biomedical research in the world. A physician-geneticist, Collins is noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes and his leadership of the international Human Genome Project, which culminated in April 2003 withRead… Read more »

The Practical Side of Learning: the Human Factor

It is assumed that once we have delivered the information to our students and trainees that they are ready to put them to use. Are students and trainees learning what we want them to and applying that learning when they should? The answer is a resounding, “No!” I was astounded a few years ago whenRead… Read more »

Tuesday at the ITS World Congress

Tuesday at the ITS World Congress, I had an opportunity to attend (and present at) sessions covering the role of mobile technology and social media in attracting new transit riders. Some highlights: Martha Welsh and Thijs van As, both from Google, talked about the success of Google Transit — and now Google Live Transit —Read… Read more »

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