Search Results for: Cloud

The Cloud SIN: Making Sense of Cloud Options

The goal of the Cloud SIN is to provide customers centralized, streamlined access to cloud computing services through IT Schedule 70 to meet their eligible government, state, and local needs. GSA customers can clearly distinguish cloud services from non-cloud IT products and services in order to get to the right solution quickly.

Open Hybrid Cloud: Challenges and Solutions

Intelligence agencies are confronting a common set of challenges as they proceed on the ICITE journey: They must migrate their applications and data assets to a community IC cloud so they can be shared with other IC member agencies and deployed at scale when necessary, even as they continue to run them in their own… Read more »

Revolutionizing Government Facilities Management with the Cloud

This blog is an excerpt from our recent Industry Perspective, “Revolutionizing Government Facilities Management in the Cloud.” To download the full brief, click here.  The US government owned and managed buildings and assets well before Thomas Jefferson signed his name to the Declaration of Independence. Today, federal government owns, leases, or manages more than 275,000 buildingsRead… Read more »

Revolutionizing Government Facilities Management With the Cloud

Facilities management in government is nothing new. The U.S. government owned and managed buildings and assets well before Thomas Jefferson signed his name to the Declaration of Independence. However, today’s facilities managers have a resource that Jefferson and his fellow Founding Fathers could never have imagined: cloud computing. Imagine how much more efficient Jefferson couldRead… Read more »

Securing Data in the Cloud

This blog is an excerpt from our recent Industry Perspective, “Securing Your Data in the Cloud.” To download the entire brief, click here. When we think of data breaches, we might picture a TV plotline on shows like “Quantico” or real-life examples like Edward Snowden – where someone intentionally exposes sensitive information. But the realityRead… Read more »

What 2016 Has In Store for Cloud Service Level Agreements

Whether you’re a stickler for standards or not, the U.S. federal cloud computing market is better off because of them. Thanks to the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), there are now baseline requirements for securing cloud products and services in use governmentwide. But the work doesn’t end after an agency finds a FedRAMP-compliant vendor.Read… Read more »

Securing Your Data in the Cloud

When we think of data breaches, we might picture a TV plotline on shows like “Quantico” or real-life examples like Edward Snowden – where someone intentionally exposes sensitive information. But the reality is that anyone in an agency, ranging from top-clearance levels down to an entry-level worker, can intentionally or accidentally misuse or leak criticalRead… Read more »

How to Deal With the Challenges of a Cloud ERP Solution

Remember curly-cord phones, carbon copies and paper time cards? Some of us do, and some of us also remember the extraordinary leap city governments made in the 1990s from manual processes to on-site ERP systems. Wholly focused on transforming paper-based processes, these highly-customized, IT-supported ERP systems changed the way office folks worked — whether theyRead… Read more »

Easing Cloud Migration

This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, the The Future of Cloud: 5 of the Latest Cloud Computing Trends in Government. Download the full guide here. The great cloud migration in government is well underway. How various government agencies support the cloud will differ depending on whether the agency is federal, state or local.Read… Read more »