Search Results for: plain language

Three Ways To Improve Federal Digital CX On A Shoestring

Have you read the results of the Government Business Council’s new “Digital Disconnect” survey? The results are fascinating, and I could go on for quite some time about them (just ask my dogs, who have been listening to me rant about the survey all morning). However, at the moment I will focus on the resultRead… Read more »

The FAA for Trucks and Buses

Meet Brodie Mack Jr! One of our incredible NextGen Public Service Award Finalists. His tireless dedication to keeping truck and bus drivers safe while protecting people from rogue movers show a humble and hardworking public servant. Read on to find out about this silent hero!

Get Smart – From Wearable Technology to Talking

“Get smart” means paying attention to co-workers, friends, family, spouse, or a partner. Nothing brings more stress to interpersonal relationships than carrying frustrations home after work. Get smart means getting smart. Being aware of all this takes work. Being smart about the law, political motivations, and social context is part of our job. It is… Read more »

A Beacon of Hope

Meet Joan Mower, a NextGen Public Service Award finalist in the Advocate category. As head of International Media Training and Development at the Broadcasting Board of Governors, Mower has improved millions of people’s lives across the world by tirelessly promoting press freedom and training the next generation of journalists to do the same.

Connecting Data Silos and Achieving Your Data Mission

During yesterday’s webinar “Connecting Data Silos to Create an Actionable View of Your Data” Nicholas Skytland, Data Evangelist for NASA, said it so simply, quoting Daniel Keys Morgan, “you can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data.” Data is an integral part of making any agency successful on all of itsRead… Read more »

How GSA is Leveraging Data Visualization to Manage its Workforce

At the U.S. General Services Administration, analysts in the agency’s Human Capital Analytics Division have leveraged data visualization technology to create a dynamic, highly customizable internal HR data dashboard

New Zealand’s What We Did Right

In earlier blog posts, I mentioned, which is the New Zealand Government’s flagship website. The new website was launched in July 2014 but things didn’t actually stop there. That requires a little explanation: we launched a minimal viable product or MVP. If you Google that term, you’ll get either a definition that includes return-on-investmentRead… Read more »

How English Class Helps You Understand Unstructured Data

This is a salute to my brethren from the liberal arts, but also anyone who has ever thought English composition class was useless. What is it about understanding how writing happens that is so boring even if writing itself is fun, especially if you have only 140 characters and are not bound by spelling orRead… Read more »

Everyone Lied: There IS an “I” In Team!

You have been living in a world of lies since kindergarten. From the time you thought paste was a member of the food pyramid, you were taught that there is no “I” in team. And while the spelling bee members of your team were correct — the letter I is not actually in the word — thoseRead… Read more »