Search Results for: Cloud

Fooling Ourselves and Paying a High Price

While the saga around the Penn State sexual abuse scandal will, and should, continue as people come to terms with the horrifying series of events that transpired, I find myself looking for any good that can come from this disturbing series of (in)actions of those in positions of authority. What happened in Happy Valley isRead… Read more »

The PC is Changing Before Our Eyes

While PCs will likely remain with us for a long time, the PC era has come to a close. Bob Gourley discussed this transition and the rise of mobile in an interview with IDG’s Bill Laberis at the HP Protect 2011 conference on Monday, September 12, 2011. Though there are currently 1.2 billion PCs inRead… Read more »

American Education Week kicks off

Deltek Principal Analyst Jason Sajko reports. The National Education Association’s 90th annual American Education Week kicked off yesterday; and to honor this event, Deltek is launching a weeklong blog series highlighting the drivers, priorities and expectations for the public education IT market. We start today with a top 10 list for education request for proposalsRead… Read more »

Note to CIOs: Your organization will never be 100% secure

<script type=”text/javascript”> /* <![CDATA[ */ nRelate.domain = “”; /* */ nRelate.getNrelatePosts(“;=Note+to+CIOs%3A+Your+organization+will+never+be+100%25+secure&domain;;;_ad_number=0&nr;_div_number=1”); nRelate.fixHeight(“nrelate_related_1”);nRelate.adAnimation(“nrelate_related_1”);nRelate.tracking(“rc”); > Original post

Note to CIOs: Your organization will never be 100% secure; We’ve already established that perfect security is impossibly in cyberspace, especially with the move to the cloud, the consumerization of IT, and the rise of mobile. Still, even with current transformations, IT can still get more secure as it evolves. Recently, HP announced an enterprise security strategy to address these new challenges, which wasRead… Read more »

And The Winner Is…You!

We participated this week with seven other entrepreneurs in the 2011 Capital Management Technology Hub and George Mason’s School of Management Technology Startup Challenge to introduce our cloud-based community and supporting tools: MyLeadershipPractice. What a top notch event and great learning experience! Plenty of innovative solutions to specific needs were presented. The competition was anRead… Read more »

GSA USASearch Wins 2011 Government Big Data Solutions Award

The Government Big Data Solutions Award was established to highlight innovative solutions and facilitate the exchange of best practices, lessons learned and creative ideas for addressing Big Data challenges. The top five nominees and overall winner was announced at Hadoop World in New York City on November 8 2011. The Government Big Data Solutions AwardRead… Read more »

Will Government Agencies be ready for the Chromebook?

Originally Posted on Iron Bow Technologies Federal Blog, TechSource. Authored by Prem Iyer, Information Security Practice Director As with many new technologies the Chromebook is creating a surge of excitement among consumers. Users may be excited to get their hands on the new technology – but IT departments are dreading it. With the demand ofRead… Read more »

Top Five Nominees For The Government Big Data Solutions Award

Governments (local, State, Federal, International) need more agility. This is especially true in the domain of Information Technology. Information technology is one of the fastest moving industries, but the government is slow at adopting and procuring new technology, including the technology that would make it more agile and adaptive. There are things we can doRead… Read more »

Hadoop World Breakout Sessions 8 and 9 Nov: Recommendations for the enterprise CTO

Hadoop World 2011 is upon us. Once again the community, with the consistent/polite/leading/persistent coordination of Cloudera, has built a great agenda with the right speakers and great attendees for what is now the “must attend” Big Data event. For those who are attending, I can’t wait to see you there. We are going to beRead… Read more »