Search Results for: Cloud

The World’s 7 Most Powerful Data Scientists

Tim O’Reilly, founder of O’Reilly Media and highly regarded technology trend watcher and good idea amplifier, wrote a short piece for Forbes on the topic of the “World’s Most Powerful Data Scientists.” He also provided some amplifying information in a piece on Google+. This post captures the gist of both of those, since Tim’s listRead… Read more »

CityCamp Colorado Recap

The 2nd annual CityCamp Colorado was held on October 28, 2011, with about sixty participants from eighteen cities and counties around Colorado, several private IT sector leaders, members of academia, and the engaged public. (Cross posted from the Open Colorado website, Here’s a rundown of how the day went: Opening remarks from Tom Downey,Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up – November 04, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This past Monday, I led a Webinar for GSA on the basics of government use of Facebook and Twitter. This week, I saw quite a few articles on how and why government agencies are using social media (or how they could use it better) and how to measure their effectiveness with those tools.Read… Read more »

EDUCAUSE 2011 Annual Conference recap

Deltek Analyst Derek Johnson reports. The 2011 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference was held October 17-21 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia. The theme of the conference was almost exclusively IT-based and focused on strategies to leverage IT solutions and systems software, and technology to improve the higher education learning experience. Judging by the more thanRead… Read more »

First Stop Saying First

First came “Cloud First” in the 25 Point Implementation Plan To Reform Federal IT Management (9 December 2010). Then came “Sharing First” and “Future First” in the “vision for information technology” (25 October 2011). According to Federal Times (31 October 2011), there are many more ‘firsts’ to come– with a “set of principles like ‘XMLRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Organizing the Commons

My colleague, Gadi Ben-Yehuda, is deep into a discussion about using hashtags on Twitter and of strategies for broadcasting to certain audiences. His use of certain terms raised a few hackles, and he asked me to share my thoughts. Once I reviewed the conversation, I have to agree with the Tribe of the Raised Hackles.Read… Read more »

A new Harvard Kennedy School report is up: “From Government 2.0 to Society 2.0: Pathways to Engagement, Collaboration, and Transformation”

From the report, by Zachary Tumin with Archon Fung: “Today, the global recession — coupled with changes such as the retirement of the post-World War II generation, the emergence of millennials, new waves of interactive communications technology, and low-cost collaboration platforms — is sparking a next wave of citizen engagement, reform of government, and theRead… Read more »

Crowdsourcing Big Society in South Holland

I’ve written a couple of times about the WordPress based ideas crowdsourcing tool we’ve been working on at Kind of Digital, which is called CiviCrowd. We’re delighted that it’s now being used out in the open by South Holland District Council, to find the ideas people have to improve their local community. Ideas are enteredRead… Read more »

#DevLearn Bound

In what has become the seminal event of my year in learning for the past three years, tomorrow I arrive in Las Vegas for the annual DevLearn conference. I have enjoyed seeing the conference grow over the past several years and once again I am both honored and humbled to be a part of it.Read… Read more »

New Enterprise CIO Forum Blog Talk Radio

In this week’s Blog Talk Radio, Bob Gourley and John Dodge talk about the new avenues of attack in the cyber world. In addition, they hit on the #cloudsecurity tweets of the week on Twitter. Highlights of the re-tweets are an interview with CIA CTO Gus Hunt and some thoughts on moving from a privateRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech