Search Results for: Cloud

Facebook’s Top 10 for Government

At GovDelivery’s October 19th event in Washington, DC, 300 attendees received some valuable tips on Facebook usage by government agencies from Adam Conner, Associate Manager of Public Policy at Facebook. His engaging, fast-paced and helpful presentation included his top 10 “musts” for governments using Facebook to get their message out. Here’s a summary of thoseRead… Read more »

Survey says: Security risks never higher, or more costly In an interview at the HP Protect 2011 conference on Monday, September 12, 2011. Bob Gourley and Tom Reilly, Vice President and General Manger of Enterprise Security at HP, discussed two studies on cyber crime from the Ponemon Institute and Coleman Parks. The median cost to an organization due to cyber attack was $5.9Read… Read more »

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What’s on Your Top Ten List? State CIOs Speak Out

The 2012 list of state CIO priorities released today from NASCIO. Not much change from last year, despite 25 new state CIOs. Consolidation, budget, governance, health care and cloud computing are among the most critical policy or technology issues to be faced by state government in 2012, according to state CIOs surveyed by the NationalRead… Read more »

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Holidays and Storytelling

HOW MY TOO-FARAWAY STORYTELLING BEGAN by greatgrandpa Mike I live in one city, my grandchildren in another almost a thousand miles distant. During one of my visits I took my, then, three-year-old granddaughter for a stroll. We paused to examine a spider’s web that spanned the space between two shrubs. A brief shower had passedRead… Read more »

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Enterprise Architecture: The more we change, the more we stay the same

Last evening I stated reading Business Architecture, Ulrich & McWhorter. I was amazed at seeing the concepts I once extolled over a decade ago in my ZIFA presentation in print. My mentor John Zachman back then had asked several provoking questions prior to then. One was just confirming completeness his model of IT Architecture. ThisRead… Read more »

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How to Make Innovation Happen – Notes from ACT/IAC ELC

Taking notes at ACT/IAC ELC from panel “Innovation Happens!” Job as CTO is to find out what’s happening Energy Summit -Search needed to solve business problem – like when Energy loans Coalera If we aren’t leveraging the work GSA is doing to bring vendor relations together at one, we are stovepiping it. GSA is under-utlizedRead… Read more »

The Telework Rap –Getting Lyrical at FedTalks 2011

Each year, FedTalks brings together leading federal government and industry executives to talk about hot topics like cybersecurity, cloud computing and open government. At FedTalks 2011 last week, U.S. CTO Aneesh Chopra’s speech was an inspiring look at the progress of open innovation, and GSA’s David McClure presentation on engaging citizens showed the ways thatRead… Read more »

Blog Talk Radio with @thedodgeretort and @bobgourley

John Dodge (@thedodgeretort) and Bob Gourley (@bobgourley) review the Enterprise CIO Forum’s (@ECIOForum) top 10 Cloud Security Tweets of the week in the following podcast. Tweets selected by John included: zdnet: Will cloud security ever be sufficient? cloudsa: (ISC)² and The Cloud Security Alliance Expand Cloud Security Offerings to their Memberships… chrispirillo: HowRead… Read more »

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Evolving Approaches to Cyber Threats

Bob Gourley and HP’s Andrzej Kawalec, CTO of Enterprise Security continued to discuss emerging security issues at the HP Protect 2011 conference on Monday, September 12, 2011, exploring problems with traditional approaches to enterprise security. Andrzej began by defining the customary enterprise security approach. We’ve been taking a very reactive stance to cybersecurity, focusing onRead… Read more »

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Information Maturity and I.T. ROI

I spent the beginning of my morning preparing for an ISV Product Assessment Deep Dive and reviewing some old Gartner group reports. I’m an Industry Analyst for two Research firms in my off time. As I scanned the graphs in the Gartner report I noticed an interesting trend from year to year. The amount ofRead… Read more »