Search Results for: cio

An invitation from the EIF chair to help choose the questions for commissioner KROES

Hello This is my first post on govloop! It would be great if you can complete and cross post this survey on your blog. I also seek questions which you can address to commissioner Neelie Kroes. The survey only takes 5 mins of multiple choice questions asking for familiarity with issues Survey is HERE Note:Read… Read more »

Reading tea leaves at OMB when what’s needed are answers

By David Perera The White House recently warned agencies that they should be cooperating with Office of Management Budget efforts to review agency information technology programs. Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra began such reviews in January under the rubric of “TechStat,” but background sources have told FierceGovermentIT that agency willingness to participate in thoseRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Dannielle Blumenthal

Have you met Dannielle Blumenthal? Chances are you’ve bumped into her on GovLoop – she’s created several groups and has as of late become a prolific blogger. Her short answers below really don’t do justice to her contributions to GovLoop and government communications, so I hope that this brief profile prompts you to join herRead… Read more »

Is the Young World Rising? Preview from Next Gen Gov Summit

At the YGL/GovLoop Next Generation of Government Summit 7/6-7/7, we have a ton of great speakers talking about opportunities for young leaders to change government. One speaker is Rob Salkowitz who wrote the awesome Wiley-publish book “Young World Rising: How Youth Technology and Entrepreneurship is Changing the World” We did a quick interview where weRead… Read more »

Managing the Net Generation in Government – new report

Check out this new report from DOD and the Federal CIO Council on adapting to the influx of Gen Y’ers in the government workforce. Although most of us aren’t the target audience of the report (it’s written mainly to the Boomers and Gen X’ers that have the privilege of managing us), I must say it’sRead… Read more »

Chatting with Carol Spencer, Web Manager for Morris County, New Jersey

This past weekend I was listening to Government 2.0 Radio and the guest was Carol Spencer, Web Manager for Morris County, New Jersey. Carol brings some truly unique insights to this role based upon her past roles as an elected official and multiple years spent in Marketing at IBM. I followed up with Carol afterRead… Read more »

Organizational Entrepreneurs: 21st Century Leaders

Making Mountains out of Capitol Hill A first time visitor to Capitol Hill will probably be surprised to find the legislative branch of United States government essentially run by twenty-something-year-olds fresh out of school. “I’m 33 and I am past my time,” Eric Johnson, former Chief of Staff to Robert Wexler (D-FL), told a groupRead… Read more »

New Cyber Security Bill Could Increase Power of President and DHS

Introduced by ranking Senate members of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010, S.3480 is intended to create an Office of Cyber Policy in the executive branch of the government, confirmed by the Senate and ultimately reporting to the president. Senators Joe Lieberman, Blanche LincolnRead… Read more »

Live Blog & Video – Service Delivery New Brunswick

Live-blogging from notes Service One – Integrated Service Delivery and the Need for a Paradigm Shift Stephen Dixon Service New Brunswick Service vs Enforcement/Monopoly -Private sector – service quality and standards -Government regulations enforcement interactions with public -Putting a square peg in a round hole – public vs private is different It’s not aboutRead… Read more »

Live-blogging – Open Data Best Practices

Live-blogging from MISA…Great roundtable of rockstar Canadian CIO and govies City of Ottawa (@rob_giggey)-Find different ways to get citizens to participate to find solutions to problems-Reviewed data dissemination policy-Said don’t need an open data policy – just need guidance to move towards being open…all departments should look to release as much data as possible-Launched siteRead… Read more »